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Demob Happy!

09:44 / 12.12.03
w00t! My last day! For those who don't know, I've quit to move to the seaside with my fiancee, and in the process made myself unemployed. Brave/stupid, I haven't decided.
It means I get to go to the pub and stay there this afternoon, hurrah! But on the flip side my unlimited free internet access is coming to an end, so all you barberegulars here in the daytime may not see me much for a while, until I generate a connection in our new home.

Looking at my profile, in the last ten months I've racked up about 1500 posts, which is about seven posts a day, so if you've seen me around it's not surprising. The loss of my easy job might mean these halcyon days may never come again however, and I may be reduced to an occasional poster (or join the lateshift). C'est la vie.

Anyway, this thread is for me to tell you that stuff (which you probably don't care about), and for you to wish me luck and say what a fine upstanding chap I am and how you'll miss my cheerful sarcasm.

Or maybe it will just be Tryphena saying 'good riddance' and then it will drop like a stone into the oubliette of the conversation.....
Tryphena Absent
09:47 / 12.12.03
More people to visit in Brighton! Jeez Louise, fine then, I'll come and bloody see you all. Christ, it's like, enough Brighton already!
Kit-Cat Club
09:56 / 12.12.03
When I am back in London I intend to visit Brighton lots. I warn you sirrah, that I have saved some conkers and I have been soaking them in vinegar amd baking them in the oven.
10:00 / 12.12.03
Hah, your puny fruits are no match for my superior skills, it's all in the wrist..bring 'em on!
Expect a barbemeet in Brighton in the new year, people, Tryphena and KKC will be there (won't you) and lots of other nice folk. Who I don't know yet.
11:18 / 12.12.03
Congratulations, Brighton is lovely and full of cool people and I am not a little jealous.

As requested, here is me wishing you luck, telling you that you are a fine upstanding chap and agreeing that I will miss your cheeful sarcasm.

Personally, if it were me then the first thing that I would do in a new house is to fix up broadband for that always on instant-access interwebnet experience, but that's just me being the saddo I so clearly am.
11:44 / 12.12.03
Congratulations, Brighton is lovely and full of cool people

Bah! Brighton is an accursed place, full of woe and misery and Bengali in Platforms claiming she's broke and scrounging beer.
Still, on behalf of the degenerate layabouts of this fine community, welcome to Brighton, Quantum.
Spyder Todd 2008
12:20 / 12.12.03
Quantum, I wish you luck and I'd just like to say what a fine upstanding chap you are and how much I'll miss your cheerful sarcasm.
14:17 / 12.12.03
Sweet, thanks for toeing the party line Lula and Spyder
Tez, your bitter cynicism can be ameliorated by delightful experiences whereby I buy beer for BiP thus freeing you from the responsibility
I'm off home, see you all online when I have broadband (I am an aspiring saddo) and IRL once I instigate a Brighton Barbemeet to see what proper slackers look like in the flesh.
Au revoir, and as the Governor of California might say, "I'll be back..."
Goodness Gracious Meme
15:34 / 12.12.03
"what proper slackers look like in the flesh."

We only admit the tip-toppest dedicated professional slackers to our coterie, Quantum.

Your assessment/initiation will be arranged.

Oh, and ignore Tetzcatlipoca, (we all do, it gets easier over time...)

Welcome to the slow lane!
Jack The Bodiless
15:38 / 12.12.03
G'bye, Q! We'll miss you here in the Southampton region. You have a fine, upstanding cock, and we'll miss your creamy utterances.
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