I don't really know too much about the "formal" Currents of Grand High Ceremonial Magick, but I have found the concept/image of the "current" to be very useful at certain points of my life.
I vaguely conceptualize a magickal current as a more-or-less transient dynamic organizing principle for magickal energy - a kind of momentum that magickal workings can take on in a certain direction. Magickians touched by this current will find that their magickal efficacy increases as they align themselves with it and navigate the flow; alternatively, they could fight it or just let themselves get swept away by it. A magickal current (as I see it) is characterized by an intense wash of focused synchronicity and *pushes* in the "proper" direction. Also, every time I feel as though I have caught a current, other people in my life have felt the same thing and have been able to corraborate independently (often we're all well into it before we communicate directly).
As an example, I refered to my magickal activities this past Autumn as being part of the Halloween current, or the Autumnal current (more generally). Once I had the first ideas that pointed me in that direction, it was like dipping my toes in a raging flood and getting swept in. Fortunately, I can swim like the Gill-Man in this particular current, so no worries. But there was very definitely a strong strong sense of momentum far above and beyond my own initiative.
I should also stress that in this conception, the current is localized, either in space or time - no Global Apocalyptic Aeon currents, just ways that individual magickians (or loose groups thereof) can "go with the flow" for a while.
Call the magickal current a kind of super-meme-meets-egregore, perhaps?
And, Gypsy Lantern: viewed in this (admittedly pretty restrained by High Magick standards) way, the current is definitely all about doing magick. Rather than trying to align the whole world to some High Master Current, or other lofty goal, it's about "knowing which way the wind blows" in your, I don't know, etheric locality and adapting your practice accordingly to catch the "winds" just right so they fly further than you could just throw them yourself.
At least that's how I see/feel it. I know it's not the Classical (or Modernist) view of the current, but it works for me. 
~L |