(Griffle, please don’t take offense if I fire off a salvo...believe it or not, I hope you do well)
It depends why you want to be a writer, which I can’t really work out from your first post. If you’re currently writing stuff then you already are a writer, and its just a short hop/skip/jump/stumble/jump again to selling pieces. Why you think you should make a decent living out of this is utterly beyond me. Proper writers live the bohemian ideal of existing from hand to mouth, day to day. Like, uh, Rimbaud dude. If you rather fancy a career with all the lovely things that this world has to offer, ie a mortgage on a nice flat, the ability to keep a pet, pay heating bills and buy food from Marks and Sparks, then get a normal bloody career like every other poor sucker, and stop pretending you’re really a writer. Nothing in this life is more irritating for someone who’s sacrificing/suffering for art than watching as some workshy fop coasts in and nicks all your best poses.
(BTB, if you’re hoping to make contact with the mysterious gay mafia that secretly run the London media, that’s a myth, man) |