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There is no one left I am afraid...


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19:36 / 10.12.03
It has been over 3 hours and no action on the board here. Is everything alright? Did people go home? Are message boards no longer fashionable? Am I the only one left who has no life? Or, am I the only one on the barbeplanet left who has a life? Would someone post something before I change my name to Zachariah and go mad...maaad, I tells ya!...STARK RAVING MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!
19:57 / 10.12.03
B is for beer. Nuff said.
A is for anarchy
R is for revolution
B is for the banned
E is for evolution
L is for the LURVE!
I is for the intrigue
T is for Tom and also for THANKS!
H is for hedgehogs

I am convinced now...I have no life. Yet, I live.
Red Cross Iodized Salt
20:03 / 10.12.03
Mmmm hedgepigs
Jack Denfeld
20:12 / 10.12.03
Hey. Jack Denfeld still lives.
20:13 / 10.12.03
Whew! Red Cross to the rescue. Can you help me get these rations out to those with dangerously low supplies of rhetoric?
20:15 / 10.12.03
I was dead for a month or so, when my dad thought it'd be a great idea to disable my cookies, but they've all been regurgitated now. So im alive. Hurrah.
20:17 / 10.12.03
Jack, if I called you a cockroach, would you be offended? I mean this in the most endearing manner.
20:20 / 10.12.03
Isn't the correct PC term "differently-abled cookies"?

*squeezes G-bop! hello*...miss ya.
Tryphena Absent
21:26 / 10.12.03
Woo, woo, here comes the Tryph train.
21:32 / 10.12.03
I feel dead. Will that do?

*Checks the 'dead' box.*

Yes, put me down as dead.
21:45 / 10.12.03
Hey Olulabelle, if Tryphena can come back from the dead, I bet you can too.

22:27 / 10.12.03
Sup baby. I'm not dead.

Okay, that sounded more like not a zombie pick-up line in my head.

Scrambled Password Bogus Email
23:05 / 10.12.03
Yes, it was rather tumbleweeds this afternoon wasn't it?

I have no life to speak of also, fear not.
Char Aina
00:00 / 11.12.03
i was all set to post a litany of humoourous yet incisive sedition, but work called me in to cover the Qbert gig.
and then when i got back, i got all scared and intimidated after i saw may was here.

i mean, i don't want to be no naked puke target, nah'm'sayin?

not on a school night, anyroad.
Saint Keggers
03:26 / 11.12.03
Bring out yer dead! Bring out yer dead!

Im not dead yet!

SO I went Christmas gift shopping when I came upon a whole display of "Roadhouse" dvds! I was so overjoyed I almost died!!!
Then I went to the regular wednesday night game night at friends.

So, no, Im not dead.
Red Cross Iodized Salt
03:49 / 11.12.03

04:37 / 11.12.03
Cool, Salt!

I'm not dead. But I do seem to have taken up hibernating (you know, like Moomins do) and have spent most of the past few days lying in bed and drifting in and out of sleep. It's fun, actually, and you get to hear the weirdest shit on the radio.
06:14 / 11.12.03
i was gone for a while, but now i'm back.

not that i was around all that much to begin with, but hey...
Char Aina
08:00 / 11.12.03
"Yeah just by myseIf exactIy"
The Strobe
11:50 / 11.12.03
Toksik is on the money. I love Roast Beef.

I'm here, but in a slightly apathetic mood, and not really convinced anyone wants to hear me going off on one about movies for ages; nor do I want to read the endless Matrix Revolutions thread. I appear to have stopped watching TV and don't listen to that much music; blame employment, my Xbox, and exhaustion. Working my way through books and CDs, though. And getting back into communining with nature.

I'm sure I'll rejuvenate soon and start posting everywhere.
12:06 / 11.12.03
Even Barbelith has to lie fallow sometimes. And I'm not dead, unless I died and didn't notice.
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
14:09 / 11.12.03
I spent a year dead for tax reasons, but I am pretty sure I got better.
Spyder Todd 2008
14:55 / 11.12.03
I'm not dead, but if I were, how would I know?
15:30 / 11.12.03
Love the barbe-collage you have there Salt. Who the heck is that for the "t" though? It sure isn't Tom Coates...maybe some other Tom?

I am pretty sure I am still living because I am typing and drinking tea. Can one do that when dead? Most likely not...I have a hunch, anyway. However, I feel slightly necrotic as the stiff and sore muscles in my body are only allowing for movement not unlike a zombie...

*the obligatory "braaaaaiiins!" comment after mentioning zombies to be inserted here.*
20:50 / 11.12.03
Not dead, exactly, but resting quietly.

I think I have that Fujian flu thing that's going around. Even my eyelashes hurt.
Red Cross Iodized Salt
00:06 / 12.12.03
That was the first Tom that showed up on a Google image search...think of it as a celebration of Toms in general.
01:01 / 12.12.03

I've just come limping in from a long day at work (after a marvelous holiday luncheon with good food and fun "secret Santa" gifts)... too full to be interested in dinner, too lazy to be interested in doing much of anything besides potatoing in front of the TV or computer.

I'm not sure that counts as really alive, but I'm not quite dead.
06:37 / 12.12.03
"I'm not sure that counts as really alive, but I'm not quite dead."~Iszabelle

HAHAHA! I love that.
Eloi Tsabaoth
09:22 / 12.12.03
I'm not dead, I'm in Denmark, which is quite similar.
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:34 / 12.12.03
I'm not alive, and I'm not here.
Spyder Todd 2008
12:38 / 12.12.03
dead bed said fred ned ked ted lead wed ped
12:40 / 12.12.03
I've found God.
Spyder Todd 2008
12:41 / 12.12.03
Sorry. That was a bit peculiar.
15:45 / 12.12.03
Just to reassure people that Barbelith is in fact not dead, there have been 8738 posts in the last month, working out at around 282 posts per day. 439 different user names have posted in that period, posting (on average) twenty times a month. 112 users have posted in the last 24 hours alone. Good huh?
15:46 / 12.12.03
Oops - hello. It's Tom here. I was just testing out something in the registration interface and ha ha ha (etc) I forgot to sign in as myself afterwards. Dumbass.

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