My husband's still eating leftover Thanksgiving turkey soup, so I've been fending for myself and eating canned soups, since I can't be bothered to make any.
Right now, I'm eating Amy's Organic Soups Black Bean Vegetable variety. And I have to tell you: The corn in this soup tastes revolting. I mean really, really bad. And not just bad, but weird, too.
What's led me to start this thread is that I've had a bastard of a time finding good vegetarian, organic store-bought soups. It's as if the manufacturers of said soups figured that our taste-buds would have been so numbed by all the tofu that we wouldn't notice if their products tasted like algae- or worse. The first time I had a mouthful of Pacific Organic Creamy Corn Soup, I had to run to the sink, gagging. And the rest of their soups aren't quite that bad, but they're miles from good. The only halfway decent soups I've found are Westbrae Great Northern Plains Bean soup and Minestrone.
Is this just me? Anyone have good canned soup experiences? |