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Contagious Skin Grossness. Ew.

ibis the being
18:53 / 05.12.03
So, Coworker #1 came into the office this morning with some kind of skin rash on his arm. Coworker #2 wisely grabbed his arm and asked, "what is this?" Now she has some nasty rashy business all over her face & one eye. I'm a hypochrondriac and highly allergic to such things as poison ivy so I'm starting to sweat here.

Any idea what the hell it could be??
Jack Denfeld
20:15 / 05.12.03
I was going to post a picture from google images:skin disease and then explain it sounded like a disease called(I would have made up the name) but then I saw the pics and got sick.
21:12 / 05.12.03
I have a rash too, but it's from dying my hair. Have your co-workers been dying while you've not been looking?
hanabius yamamura
10:50 / 06.12.03
Any idea what the hell it could be??

... having worked in an infectious diseases unit some years ago, i can happily say that it could be one of any number of things, most of which are hideously contagious and involve either bacteria or some tiny insectoid lifeform setting up house in or just under your skin and having lots of tiny babies
Spatula Clarke
16:49 / 06.12.03
If I had to guess, I'd say it sounds like some kind of skin rash.
Saint Keggers
17:45 / 06.12.03
Whats it taste like?
Jack Denfeld
21:05 / 06.12.03
Hey Hana, maybe you know what this was. A couple of years back there was this bump on my thigh. Like a giant mosquito bite in size. And it would not go away for weeks. And it felt hard underneath. Not having medical insurance at the time I decided to perform surgery. I got a really sharp knife and poked at it and poked at it until there was a tiny hole in the bump. Then I squeezed super hard and blood and what I think might be pus started coming out. Like a thick white excretion. Then I poured some ear-care solution over the thing and it healed up just fine. What the hell was that?
The Tower Always Falls
22:50 / 06.12.03
This place must be seen to be believed...

Just a warning... go to the forum and you'll see VERY rapidly that most of these people are DOP. (Delusions of Parasites). It's actually somewhat scary, as they reinforce their mental hallucinations with this community. A friend of mine really enjoyed fucking around with these guys. (Don't blame me or think me evil, please. I always thought it was slightly cruel what he did. Kinda like kicking a blindly obedient dog...)
12:11 / 07.12.03
Whats being passed around my workplace?

Im very very scared. When I started about 6 weeks ago, there were 3 pregnant women. Now I believe there are 7 pregnant women. Thats not even counting the pregnant men. Im scared, im gonna catch it. Especially with the whos gonna be the first couple to fuck in the locker-room before the store closes contest. They're gonna be popping up like dandilions.
hanabius yamamura
19:40 / 07.12.03
What the hell was that?

... jack, sounds like pyogenic granuloma aka a bite that's gone septic with lots of granulation tissue forming over it ...
Jack Denfeld
19:46 / 07.12.03
I knew it wasn't cancer!
20:00 / 07.12.03
ginger - hell yeah, thats going around my office, too. it's on the toilets, I'm convinced!
12:31 / 08.12.03
I think my hair dye rash has turned into a different kind of rash. I think I have impetigo, but can't get a doctor's appointment until Thursday. Ergh.
ibis the being
12:47 / 08.12.03
Have your co-workers been dying while you've not been looking?

I wish.

Not to worry, it was just something Coworker #1 picked up whilst on a tropical vacation, sipping mai tais and plotting how to increase my workload yet reduce my salary.
09:07 / 09.12.03
The doctor has confirmed that my skin disease is just hair dye allergy, so I think it is time I went on a tropical vacation.
22:28 / 09.12.03
Another case of this pregnancy disease was announced in my workplace today. 8. Seriously.

Whats going on?
Saint Keggers
22:42 / 09.12.03
Well you see when a man and a woman get together...oh nevermind. Go ask your mom!
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