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Tell Me How Much You Love Me

13:09 / 05.12.03
I know that I am new and none of you know me very well, but please tell me that you love me. Tell me how much I mean to you. Make me feel better about myself.

Sometimes I cry, because I feel alone and empty. Please make me feel more alive. I need you to tell me that you love me. Don't make me cry, Barbelith. I deserve your love.

I need your love.
13:24 / 05.12.03
this reminds me an awful lot of dates I've had.

at the risk of earning a lot of laughing and pointing at my foolishness, if you're serious, jonas, I'd suggest you seek out friends, family, a therapist, or just about anyone. random people on message boards don't tend to be the most supportive or loving bunch, and if you genuinely are in need, I think hanging your hopes on online forums would be a very bad move for you. good luck and well wishes to you
13:27 / 05.12.03
I've already got family, friends, and a kick-ass therapist - now I want YOUR love. Are you trying to say that I'm not worthy of your love?
13:29 / 05.12.03
Didn't you know that we're a stoner motherfucker hippy think-tank comprised largely of imaginary people?

Of course we love you, unconditionally. Post on some threads we might even like you.
13:32 / 05.12.03
Give me your love.

I want it.
13:34 / 05.12.03
Oh good grief.
13:35 / 05.12.03
I need to wrap myself up in your love, to keep me warm through the cold, cold night.
13:38 / 05.12.03
I only love posters who make me laugh out loud at my desk so I can annoy envious coworker passersby.

or who put out. either or, not picky.
13:46 / 05.12.03
I need your love to wash the pain away. I hunger for your love.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
13:51 / 05.12.03
Weirdly this thread reads like an interactive Whitesnake song.
13:52 / 05.12.03
Can't you feel me yearning for your love?
13:52 / 05.12.03
Are you trying to say that I'm not worthy of your love?

13:54 / 05.12.03
Love me because I love you.

Come and feel my rock-hard, pulsating, white-hot love for you.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
13:54 / 05.12.03
Going down the only road I've ever known!
13:55 / 05.12.03
If you don't give me your love, I will die inside.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
13:59 / 05.12.03
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone!

Ooo, ooo, ooo
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:00 / 05.12.03
Ain't nobody love you like I love you,
You're a fake suit, and that's what makes me distrust you.
14:03 / 05.12.03
There is nothing fake about my love for you.
Baz Auckland
14:09 / 05.12.03
My loovee is poiissoon! (enter guitar solo)
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
14:14 / 05.12.03
Flyboy if you don't have a ropey perm and tight, tight spandex trousers on get the hell out the thread!
14:16 / 05.12.03
Barbelith, I want to feel your warm breath on me as you nuzzle with me after one of our intense love making sessions. Let's hold each other.

Love me.
Tryphena Absent
14:18 / 05.12.03
And now the posion has entered your soul.
14:21 / 05.12.03
Let me suck the poison out of you with my sweet, soft lips.

My passion for you burns deep inside of me. Let me love you.
Brigade du jour
14:53 / 05.12.03
Well you know, um ... I don't really know you that well and everything. But it's like ... I kind of keep saying to myself I should love all humankind, not just the people I know I can trust and feel comfortable with, so ... well, here goes ... um, actually this is kind of embarrassing, but in the words of David Cassidy (and Voice of the Beehive if I'm not mistaken) I love you.

Phew ...
14:59 / 05.12.03
jonas, you're making me feel all dirty now, like mud, only with mystery chunks.

I will silently withhold my love from you until you learn to speak to my properly. lookit, I've turned my little bunny nose up, that's mighty special right there.
8===>Q: alyn
15:05 / 05.12.03
I dunno, Jonas. Most people have to work really hard for my love. Why should I just give it to you? It's not like you've sent me souvenirs from all over the world or gotten drugs for me or looked after my fish or...

Okay. Give me a pedicure and I'll love you till I hate you.
15:27 / 05.12.03
I love you. I want to watch you while you sleep, Barbelith. You are so beautiful to me. Let me draw you a bath, with candles and rose petals. I will wash you with my hands, but it is my soul which will become clean.
15:47 / 05.12.03
So you're going to leave soul-filth all over my towels?
I suspect not.
(Give it ten posts, he'll be telling us we're frigid.)
Not Here Still
18:32 / 05.12.03
Just listen to the rhythm of my heart...

Actually, I've got arrhythmia, but hey, as I was saying to Leo the other day, hey, that doesn't mean I don't love you, babe.
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
18:46 / 05.12.03
Love me because I love you.

Come and feel my rock-hard, pulsating, white-hot love for you.

Wow, the last time I heard that was from a drunken frat-boy. To this day, I don't think what he said had anything to do with love.
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