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My Accretive Dealie

Mister Snee
18:08 / 03.12.03
Will someone please tell me what they think of this thing I made? ^-^

I think if everyone in the world used it, it would be cool. But maybe that's ridiculous.
20:36 / 03.12.03
It's a little hard to manage -- not sure why, but some words seemed to appear in places other than where I'd clicked.
Mister Snee
21:06 / 03.12.03
Yes, that does tend to happen. I think it's when other people are using it at the same time, and the word count gets changed by someone else's insertion while you're writing yours.

I originally considered having each link include a couple neighbouring words as parameters, allowing me to do some kind of server-side near-miss context-match, which would automatically re-align insertions in that case. But I didn't end up doing that, and set the code aside.

Before I put it up again this time I added the "rooms", which are pretty cool. I might do this aligning dealie too, eventually. In fact, now this idea is forming in my head which involves assigning each between-word space a special hash, and including that hash as a parameter in the link for that space, allowing the insertion to be made between the right two words (or at the right point) regardless of what went on in the meantime... maybe... I'd have to think about how those points would collide, and... :O

See, the reason I haven't coded a solution for this is that I'm not entirely certain it's tractable. I think it may be One Of Those Problems That Turn Out To Be Much Harder Than They Sound Like They Should Be.

What do you think?
21:26 / 03.12.03
I'm no coder, but it seems like as long as someone else isn't editing the same space, there should be a way to contextualize it with the words on either side, since that's the way we read/edit things.
Mister Snee
05:49 / 04.12.03
Ah yes, but the deeper implication is that when a change has been made to the page while you are writing an update, the CONTEXT has changed, and thus your comment is now out-of-context -- its meaning has changed in what amounts to a random way. In the new context the text you insert could mean anything, so simply by assuring it ends up near the same words you asked for it to even if someone makes a change while you're writing it, we don't actually increase the accuracy of the representation of your comment in the end. If the context has been changed then your comment could be anywhere or be anything, because it could mean anything -- we no longer have any way of knowing. The context change renders your information noise -- echoes -- and as such its placement is irrelevant.

I mean, that's one way of looking at it. ^-^
Mister Snee
05:52 / 04.12.03
(Please note that when I say "the deeper" I mean "an obfuscated")
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