Had this problem myself in my first year in Uni.
The house of 10 I was put in was mainly made up of second year students with five first years; me, the (fairly hard-line) head of the Christian Society, two lads who became friends on the first night there and then didn't really speak to anyone else in the house, and a guy who had a breakdown and left in the third month of term.
Of the second years, there was one guy who I saw leave his room just twice in the whole year, and four extremely hard-line Muslims, who used to spend their days putting leaflets about al Muhajiroun, Hizb ut Tahir, "Why Gays Should be Killed" and the like under our doors, disappearing and re-appearing at strange hours, and arguing about the Qur'an in the kitchen (the last one I didn't mind that much as I actually found listening to it quite interesting; the second one I didn't like because it kept waking me up; the first I was frankly very freaked out by.)
I'd like to say that I spent most of my time arguing with both the head of the Christian society and the Muslims and attacking their prejudices, the way they viewed gay people, women, and others, but I rarely did.
When asked what I thought I wouldn't lie, and I would voice opinions or do things that these people didn't like - indeed, just going for a pint after a lecture would be seen as disgusting by the Muslim guys, something they told me more than once, and frowned on by the head of the Christian society - but I didn't gear up for a full-on verbal assault on them at any point. Instead, I went next door, found some more like-minded people there, and started hanging round with them; and most of the time in my house, I just kept my head down. Possibly this was wrong of me, and I should have confronted them further: I do sometimes think I should have done. But I didn't.
It is a pain having to share living space with people who you disagree with, but it can be done. Perhaps the best advice I could give, if you don't want to rock the boat, is just to never actually lie about yourself or your beliefs; by all means, don't weigh into every argument, but don't hide who you are to fit either. And no, this certainly isn't anything to do with you, _pin. |