Suedehead, I wrote the above while wearing my "non-editor hat". If the shaping of Jenny Everywhere is left to Darwinism, then it's obvious that her movement between dimensions is the fittest rendition. So, nyah to me. However, the site does have a few pointers concerning her personality which are signifiers for inclusion on the site. Like the physical signifiers, the more you have the better, though you can get away with leaving a few out (as some people have). This is obviously not applicable if you don't intend to put your story on the site.
Let me tell you a tale, the origin of the Shifter. As I've said before, the Shifter was created for a superhero book, starring a few other characters. There was the All-Around Good At Everything Leader character, the Incredibly Strong And Tough character, and rounding out the group was the Two-Fisted, Agile Adventurer Daredevil character, or, the Shifter. During the first three issues of the book it wasn't at all obvious to the reader and most of the other characters just why the Shifter was on the team, or why she was called the Shifter. Unlike the others, she didn't have any discernable powers.
It was going to be revealed that she does have powers and that they involve shifting between different dimensional states, and possibly being able to shift to other dimensions. In reality, she was far more powerful then that, and existed in all other dimensions at once. If the team were to go to Dimension X, they assumed that their Jenny was going with them. Actually, and without them knowing it, they were then adventuring with the Shifter of Dimension X. Whether she could in fact travel between dimensions (the option most people have taken) was not going to be revealed, though I wouldn't doubt that she would have this ability, which is why I don't have a strong objection to that take on the character. I just feel that the other option is far more interesting. C'est la vie.
And that is why she was called the Shifter; not because she can actually shift between dimensions (though she might) but because it was thought that she could, which is the typical response to viewing her powers. She was just to polite to correct anyone, so it's no wonder that she decided to call herself Jenny after that.
The End.
I left her "powers" purposely vague, largely because I knew that everyone would ignore them anyway. My take on it (and this ain't the gospel; non-editor hat, remember?) is that Jenny is near godlike, as Grant suggests. She is so far above human capability that it's hard for us to perceive. However, she reins those abilities in to challenge herself. And she doesn't necessarily have to exist in infinite dimensions, either. I imagine that she can increase or decrease the amount of dimensions she exists in, which would actually go a long way to explaining Jenny "shifting" into a different dimension.
Impulsivelad, I hope you don't think I was taking a dig at you while writing my initial thoughts. They've been brewing for quite some time, and it was actually while writing about something else that I thought I'd finally mention them. Actually, I quite like your story. That said, I do see a difference in a) having her travel between dimensions and b) being affected by her environment. If she was in a dimension that caused her torment and mental breakdown, why wouldn't she just leave?
I like how Tryphena puts it. The core remains the same, though she may be more happy, mad or sad dependent on where she is. I had the opportunity to read a script about a junkie Jenny, and I thought it was handled very well. You could understand the path she took and the regret she faced for her decisions and the changes that took place because of them. For me, I just try to imagine what my friends would be capable of doing in any specific situation. For example, I might find beating up bouncers, kidnapping business executives, or single-mindedly craving cock to be excessive, but I can imagine someone I know doing such things. Would the Jenny living in your horrid universe be the exact same kind of raving lunatic as everyone else? Would there be varying degrees of lunacy? Where would Jenny fall? |