Well, to unpack the reasoning a little:
Art, fashion and design don't really fit together very well anyway, but if they do have something in common over, say, TV and film, or comics, it is that there is a long tradition of academic discourse in these fields. In other words, there is a framework and language tools available that offer the chance to engage in abstract discourse, potentially about a wider range of topics, in a way that TV criticism (for example) couldn't be so universally applied across different media. And it's not like there is no precedent for the widening of general art-fashion-design theory to engage with other media - I'm thinking Marshall McLuhan for instance.
Furthermore, it strikes me that art, fashion and design certainly are not an insular set of disciplines. Presumably the art, fashion and design forum is the most appropriate place for discussions on photography, architecture, "art pranks" and other situationalist actions, graphics, sculpture, video installations, fluxus pieces and mail-art, found art artifacts, sound installations and odd recordings, etc. In other words, lots of stuff that engages with different media anyway. What I'm saying, is that I think the context is broad enough to tackle general media discussions, without diluting the essence of the forum. In fact, the forum blurb currently already mentions "art and culture".
If nothing else, I'd suggest that the art, fashion and design forum could play up the breadth of topics that it could cover. |