asking is the other half of gratitude. it keeps us from taking for granted anything we recieve. whether or not God (or whatever the hell you heathens worship) gives you your request it is to make you realize that nothing is granted to you because of your own actions. then you thank God (or mother nature, karma, the unfeeling quantum computer at the end of time) for what you recieved regardless of whether or not you wanted it or like it to help you accept your lot in life. in that way you grow and don't whine as much (hopefully, unless you like to whine, in which case you are not my friend). The point is the benefit of the petition, not the recieveing of the gift. Also there is much more to prayer than that including but not limited to: making one feel unique and important without selfishness, communication with the driving spirit of the universe, meditation on the things that truly matter. and God points, which can be redeemed in certain religions to get you out of hell/purgatory faster. |