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The oldest post on Barbelith

Tom Coates
10:39 / 28.11.03
Just thought you'd be interested...
Eloi Tsabaoth
10:59 / 28.11.03
Interesting that the oldest post comes from a cave...
12:36 / 28.11.03
That's just the oldest post that still exists, right?

Fuck, I remember that day. I was moving house (and had recently joined Barbelith, but wasn't particularly prolific in my posting at that point- possibly still just lurking, I'm not sure) and between every trip up the road with a shopping trolley full of all my worldly goods, was checking Indymedia. By the time I went to work that night (exhausted) I was about as newsed-out as could be, and really in no mood to monitor media.

Just thought I'd share that. Not sure why.
Tom Coates
12:40 / 28.11.03
Yeah, it's just the oldest one that still exists. It's a shame we haven't been able to translate over some of the older ones that exist around the place, but it can't be helped I suppose.
Not Here Still
19:44 / 01.12.03
Heh. First thread I ever got in a row on, that. Pretty much the first thread I ever got involved in here, come to think of it....
Tryphena Absent
19:53 / 01.12.03
An independent thinker made to feel unwelcome just because he disagrees, and the homogenity of Barbelith continues

This made me smirk wildly. Two and a half years and this place hasn't changed a bit!
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