Let's see... It's been awhile since I participated in one of these and I forget where to start.
So far, we've made it past the divine trinity of 1) All, 2) Change, and 3) Shape, and jumped the chasm where Knowledge [was/will be]. The gap of Knowledge itself is being made right by the shenanigans of the following six Sephiroth —just not Malkuth. Uniting Knowledge with Malkuth is for Kether. Keep that in mind, because EVERYTHING matters. Not every flavor is significant, but every damned thing goes into the stew of Da'ath.
4) Work is the force that pushes the “human we” through Time, 5) War gives the “human we” a shape that changes in Time... 6) Soul is the holon ego, the aspect of individual volition that is a moving part of the “human we”, and the only real answer when somebody asks someone else "who they are".
When people are asked to describe themselves, they tend to either escape defending their emotions by grounding themselves in their "personal" rationale, or escape defending their reasoning by constructing themselves with their "individual feelings". Both are pointless. No one will ever completely understand the love you feel in your heart or the see the truth as it exists in your head. One is WHY the “human me” exists, and the second is HOW the “human me” exists. That's the connection between Hod and Netzach, it's the bullshit we build The Tower with, and the qlippothic Straitjacket we stay stagnant and stupid inside of. But we're gonna talk about Love first.
So we're up to Netzach, the WHY I am of the “human me”. Netzach is the sphere that represents individual's emotions. Now someone might say they can think without emotions, that they are capable of pure logical thought, but it's best to laugh at them for being the delusional folks they are. The most important thing about Netzach is knowing that it is a star. It's the power source for the entire psyche. Every thought is warmed or lit by emotion. NOTHING that a single human person does is without some sort of emotion. While a person can choose to ignore their emotions, they are still, in effect, reacting to the effects of thier emotions.
Now there's a duality to Netzach that I've just described, but you might not have caught. The essence and effect of Netzach is present in every thought; surrounding you. If you aren't aware of that, emotions can seem to be an immense and bottomless ocean that "you" can drown in and never be safe from. Screw being "safe". Know what Netzach means? Victory. So you're drowning in your personal emotions? Boo f'ng hoo. Remember that they are only emotions, and they're supposed to be immense and powerful. Put them to work for you. Instead of thinking of Netzach as an enormous body of water, turn it into a sun that you build your Dyson Sphere around. Condence your emotions into a glass of water by examining what you're really feeling; what you're really reacting to. Then get to work. See? You win!
People can start talking about how Netzach has to be equal in some way to Hod's "way of thinking"... They try to make Hod into a leftist house of logic and organization and then surmise that Netzach is a paradise of rightbrian thinking and almighty intuition. Outside of their relationship as the WHY and HOW of the “human me”, they simply aren't equal in any way. Netzach fuels Hod. Without Netzach, Hod is flat —and most of all, boring. End of chapter introduction.
Netzach is attributed in Tarot cardgames to the sevens. Most of you know I have a funky four instead of the "elements", mostly because for me Tarot is about breaking down thought into its constituent parts and gaining insight that way. For me, Seven of Wands is "surrender to your emotions to feel WHY your actions are an appropriate use of volition". The querent can interpret that anyway ze likes, and push the game along by talking about it. Likewise for Cups/Compassion, Swords/Analysis, and Pentacles/Manifestation.
Netzach as an imaginable realm, is best thought of as the Sea of Love. I know I just bitched about how you shouldn't think of emotions as a drownble ocean, but that doesn't mean you can't swim in it. Just focus on the fact that if YOU do everything according to reactions of what YOU love, then everybody else does too. That's just a whole lot of Love. Emotions are a navigable sea if you just go in the direction of what YOU Love. And don't give me that shit about how YOU love Lamborghinis and heroin. Those are distractions from Love and you f'ng know it.
The corresponding color for the Sea of Love would be green. Comparative mythology makes Netzach the realm of Aphrodite and other goddesses of love.
In the mighty tradition of State flowers and National birds, Netzach also has distinct plants and animals associated or "sacred" to it. Crowley gives us the rose for its flower and scent, emerald for its stone, Venus as it's planet, and Haniel as its archangel in addition to several other things I'm sure others will list. First of all, I don't see the point of having these things unless you're going to use them in some sort of communion-style meditative working. So, for me, you'd have to pick things that invade your senses regardless of connotations. Of these, I think rose is the only one useful. Scent can be breathed in while you're all lotus style and om-ing.
I might have left some things out, and I know I didn't talk Qlippoth, so hit me up if you got qustions or want to talk more 
EMOTION // Aphrodite