Looking at the 'newest member' thingummy tick over there's a lot of new people coming in- hello! *waves*
Post, damn you, we have lurkers up to our eyes and we don't bite (except maybe Tryphena Sparks) we want to hear from you!
I am YojimboUK. The name comes from... I don't know where the name comes from but Kurosawa rocks, okay? I am a former journalist, former author, former TV presenter, former publisher, former games designer. These days I'm just a former.
I am a Spanish Physicist, working in Vienna. I finished reading The Invisibles recently and I am looking for more information about this work. I liked the work, but at somepoint I feel like I missed half of the plot... I will look around for somewhere to discuss about it.. I am sure I will find something ;-)
Don't listen to her, she's a biter. Just ask Flyboy, he's got the scars I'm sure.
I'm getting poster envy, why aren't I a former TV presenter or a Spanish physicist? I must get a more interesting life...
I'm Canadian, writer, done some Theatre work. I decided to join because of the latest Morrison interview, and I'm about to start reading THe Invisibles. Figured this was a logical place to go.
*suddenly realises he's gone about this entirely wrong*... Hi Barbelith, I'm Spaulding. I like Comics, Star Trek, indie music and I'm from *drumroll* England!
Another drumroll - this one from Shropshire in Merry Old England - although I confess I am really Australian (and no, I don't CARE that we lost that silly game the other day!)
I'm into horses (breed Irish Draughts), design web sites, and write (occasionally.)
hello all. i'm an unheimlich man, a redundant stasi sleeper agent currently on secondment to al-qaeda. i like roleplaying, comics and torture (involving sleep deprivation, psychedelics and bamboo).
Yes, but if you do it yourself then Stoatie is redundant and his ears droop and then his snout wrinkles and you wouldn't want to make a stoat cry would you?
To whoever it was looking for Invisibles threads, the Search facility is universally agreed to be 'a load of shit', but if you go to the comics thread and then along to the last page and work your way forward you'll find lots of arguing about what it all means.
Hello Barbelith...I'm a former lurker who discovered the site after getting my 3rd eye squeegeed open from reading the Invisibles TPBs two years ago. Actually, I'm also a former newbie...that is, I registered sevreal months ago under a different name, then was booted off due to membership policy changes, now I'm back. I'm from the Pacific Northwest (USA) and am enduring grim exile in a rural town in order to climb the career ladder.
It was probably the last time the board reopened (or closed, or one of the two) when Tom said something about deleting suits that hadn't posted for ages. Remember? The membership number about halved before it sarted going up again.
lurker over here taking a peep over the trench, hopefully i wont get spat at (in the eye). i found these forums through the invisibles sometime ago, then the forum was restricted and i had to either find some work or get into university to get that all important email addie i'm so trying not to make this sound like a cover letter..
so hello to you and that person behind you.
Hey! Long time lurker here, 1st time poster. I really love the way Barbelith feels like a water bottle that you can plug into a Billy Idol pin that Steve found at Coyote last night. Sort of like candles with 4 bass strings. Good stuff and very entertaining. Will try to post more once I work up the nerve.
Not much to say. I'm Portuguese, and way too dumb and young to be here. I'll just seat comfortably and say nothing to avoid sticking my foot in my mouth. I've only actually read Counting to None (due to lack of access and money, both related to my age), so I'm not even trying to fully understand the Invisibles. Though I love what Ive read.
Which begs the question: why am I here at all? I'll tell you when I find out myself.
And I have no idea why this is my nick. How nice and random, hun?
(And yes, I AM aware of the series of mistakes I've made, but I can't automatically edit my previous post. Which pisses me off. Well, at least slightly. I'll hush now)