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Happy 20th Birthday to me

20:42 / 21.11.03
I am 20.

No longer able to use "I'm a teenager, dude!" as an excuse to my behaviors.

Of course I will remain in Never Never Land. Do you guys believe in "Peter Pan Syndrome" and why is it considered a syndrome as opposed to a choice?
20:55 / 21.11.03
(Happy birthday, Rage. Now go fuck shit up
rizla mission
21:07 / 21.11.03
Many happy returns!

Not being a teenager does suck though. It's taken me up until about.. last month to get used to the idea. No more oppurtunity for Teenage Riots or Teenage Kicks or Teenage Werewolves.. it's tragic..

As for remaining in Never Never Land, I'm abandoning this thread before the bad jokes just start to write themselves..
21:12 / 21.11.03
Happy birthday Rage- 20's a pretty good one.
bio k9
21:41 / 21.11.03
You may not be the youngest but you can be the most immature.
21:46 / 21.11.03
yeah, that's what bio's going for
22:02 / 21.11.03
And in honour of your Birthday Cliff Richard is singing his new Christmas song on TV right now! I wonder if he likes Radiohead?

Happy Birthday!
22:05 / 21.11.03
Happy birthday Rage!
8===>Q: alyn
01:03 / 22.11.03

Happy Birthday!
Baz Auckland
01:13 / 22.11.03
Happy Birthday! Woo! know, I always thought you were 25 or so...
Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:40 / 22.11.03
Oh come on dude, we all know he's forty-six...

So who's younger than Rage then?
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
11:51 / 22.11.03
Woah. I'm 21 in march.

Wonder what the average board age is?
Tryphena Absent
14:35 / 22.11.03
Happy Birthday Fraggle!

I reckon the average age has to be somewhere around the mid-20's.
Tryphena Absent
14:36 / 22.11.03
27 perhaps?
Baz Auckland
15:12 / 22.11.03
_pin used to be the youngest.. but I think the current champ is gingerbop...
Jack Denfeld
00:43 / 23.11.03
I thought Cholister was super-young.
Saint Keggers
00:58 / 23.11.03
Appyhay Irthdaybay otay ouyay!
03:22 / 23.11.03
Ah, I remember when I used to be youur age....

But now i'm turning 21 on the 30th...
12:39 / 24.11.03
I am one of those sad bastards who drag the average upward, I can't even remember being twenty. It seems unfathomable, frighteningly young.

There's an id waiting for me to over there at, along with a hot cup of tea and a colostomy bag.
13:34 / 24.11.03
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAGE! It's too late for you now, only a matter of time until you start wearing tweed and smoking a pipe, wearing purple and moaning about the good old days when people fucked shit up good and proper.
Bear in mind your idea of young will go up and up. Anything under 40 seems young to me now, and when I'm 40 that will seem young too- I intend to get old at 80... and celebrate with some acid and re-reading the invisibles
Have a great year!
Bill Posters
16:47 / 24.11.03
Many Hippy Returns you lil' brat, and don't let 20 bother you, hell, I still throw hissyfits and threaten to leave the board every other week, and I'm a thirtysomething!!
08:19 / 25.11.03
Thanks everyone. You guys are my favorite. What more can I say?

Qalyn, I've been looking for that picture my whole life!
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