I've occasionally talked about a form of divination I sometimes use that involves gemetra and the English Caballa. References:
The Divination Thread
Adventures in divination
But I've never written up a choesive summary of the technique, which has been consistently effective for me in divination castings. So, here it is.
The mechanics involve gemetra. By that, the question or querent is first represented by a single word. I usually prefer to use names or Internet handles, as handles tend to already be a one word sigilization of the person in name form, making for an effective signifigator. For really, the name in this case is used as one would a sigel. However, the crafting process is to create a gemetric sum of the letters to produce a number.
Previously, I used the system of calculation here, which claims to be adopted by the Golden Dawn. That system is a summation by factor of 6. For example, A=6, B=12, C=18, all the way to Z=156. More recently, Fetch's works have suggested to me that the straight summation (or Isian system, as he calls it) may be more appropriate. Either way, the Golden Dawn numerics are merely a factor of 6 of the Isian numerics, so both are in effect accomplishing the same task numerologicaly.
At any rate, I have created an extensive library of words sorted by gemetric value that I use as my card set for these divinations.
The Golden Dawn version is located here.
The Isian version is located here.
With either, the technique is as follows:
After translating the significator into a number, open the file for that corresponding number. This reveals a list of words matching its corresponding value.
Draw a set of words from this list as one would cards from a deck. The technique I have used that I find effective is to allow my eyes to drift out of focus while I enter a suggestable state (a light trance to disable the psychic censor), while scrolling the scroll bar up and down with the mouse. This lets me get an energetic feel for the page. From this, I follow energetic promptings while holding the specific question or goal of the divination in mind to a section of the list that feels "hot", or that I am drawn to. It is a matter of focusing in on something. I then, still without actually looking at the words themselves, run the mouse pointer up and down until I again home in on the correct word to be chosed. This word I select and copy/paste into a blank notebook file.
Contuine like this until all a satisfactory number of words has been chosen. I typically draw around 5-7.
Now is where the fun comes in. Syncronisctic scitzotypal yahoomancy. While some of the words drawn have clear meanings, I've found that most in the dictionary I use are extremely obscure. So while I might be able to get a direct reading from them, more is usually required.
So first, look at the word and write down any impressions it brings. If that's not enough, look it up in a dictionary. Sometimes, the word is not available, but the dictionary program may suggest similar words. If prompted, select one of these if it feels right, deriving a message from the defination. The defination of a word is much like the writeup of a tarot card in this case.
If that is not enough, plug the word into a search engine. I usually use google for this. Scan the results, and follow the first link that catches your attention. If the nature of the page itself does not give you an answer, skim over the page for the first phrase that stands out as meaningful. This is the answer the word in question has to show you.
Repeat as necessary for all remaining words drawn.
Interpret the results as you would a tarot draw, translating the clues given to the subject of the divination to derive answers to your question.
That's pretty much it. The physical process is simple enough, but the trick of it is to disable your psychic censor to enter a scitzotypal state where any input may possible be meaningful to you as a direct message from the divine. You trust syncronicity to bring you to the phrase you need. Its the free-form style of divination and omen interpretaion I've rambled on about before ,requiring a bit of mental brokenness to pull off right. But if you know how to do that much, you can use this technique.
Just be warned, while effective, it gives me a bloody headache to do. |