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Mortgage Fraud


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08:58 / 02.04.04
Sixty quid a month. Wow. I know property's cheaper 'up there' but what are you living in, a phone box?
17:25 / 07.04.04
The person just above is actual the exact example of why self certs were first created... This was to allow people who had an income that was hard to substantiate but did exist to 'Certify Themselves' how much they earn... Which is what you appear to have done.. I do hope that the £60 a month doesent cause too much of a stretch... I am guessing you dont live in Devon..
The problem is when people earn £15,000 mand certify that they earn £45,000.. causing house prices to be able to climb and exposing themselves horribly to any rise in interest rates. for example it is being warned that interest rates could go up to 5.75% increasing payments of a £100,000 mortgage by £110 a month.. and how many recent borrowers have only borrowed that much..?
17:03 / 27.05.04
It is horrible to see that the powers that be are now considering doubling interest rates to combat this. It will result it what the country needs but will ruin many.

there has never been a boom that has not eventually bust.
19:35 / 27.05.04
what's horrible about it, apom?

sounds splendid to me.

as it is.. so be it..
23:42 / 27.05.04
It's called responsibility. You lie, you pay for the consqequences. You can't afford the stupid prices? You refuse to pay them. You DON'T keep propping up the shitty system that _will_ screw you in the end by perjuring yourself on a contract.
Me, I can't fucking wait for the crash. I have a merry dance at the ready.
14:36 / 28.05.04
Me, I can't fucking wait for the crash. I have a merry dance at the ready.

yes, cube.. i have a dance too. and an outfit, and everything.

as i say, it sounds splendid to me.

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