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One stop stimulation station

Char Aina
07:14 / 17.11.03
where do your ideas come from?

personally i have no idea where mine spring from, or how they do.
all i know is that when i have none, to come by even one can be impossible. at times, they can flow like lava; dangerously fast and consuming everything else. at others, i am as stagnant as can be.

what i do know is that the unexpected can lead to an eruption of creativity from me, and that it is necessarily difficult to provoke myself in an unexpected way.
i think it might be helpful for me if i had a place to come and get random inspiration, be it from wherever and whomever.
inspiration from science that i have no concept of, poetry that touches a nerve never before felt, pictures that paint so many more words than a thousand, anecdotes that detail a life i would never imagine living, or even songs that i would never hear.


what i ask of you is that anything you think might fit that bill gets a home here. the kinds of thing i am looking for i cannot say, but i want surprised; taken off guard and made to think.
i would suggest that we keep it short and sweet for the sake of utility, and maybe some day, bandwidth.

link me up, barbemaniacs.

my own suggestions?
here's some that made me think.

found through grant's rastafarianism primer, and his link to the wikipedia entry for haile selassie, the transcript of the speech that he gave to the league of nations in 1936.
found by my friend and occasional co-conspirator, mike sizemore, some harrowing pictures of a dead woman
and celebrated redneck jim goad giving us his take on 'feeders'
11:07 / 17.11.03
Billy Childish has been inspiring the fuck out of me recently, with his pro-expression, anti-concept approach to art ("ideas are the death of creativity" etc) and his ability to churn stuff out at a frightening rate without caring about whether it's any good or not.

Links to interviews here. I particularly like the Idler one, and his comments about how things should be 'nice'.
13:21 / 17.11.03
I like - daoist sage, potters round garden, drinks tea, gets fucked off, does great web design, writes great book on the I Ching, picks locks.

Also, The Bug - mashing up all the far right shite you get in Industrial music with Reggae basslines, junglism and Cutty f***ing Ranks! Yes please, I f***ing well think so.
13:45 / 17.11.03
Killlah! you mean? great track that un. i like biroco's blog too, but he's a bit of a self-righteously grumpy sod, 'i'm a magickian me, haven't managed to trick meself into getting a job yet though..'.

recently i've been taking drinks with who might quite well be the world's foremost authority on the life and fic of william hope hodgson, who wrote 'the night land' and 'the house on the borderland'. not as adroit as Bierce or psychoactive as Lovecraft, and the language is fucking balls, really draggy and not a patch on the wonder prose of Machen, but fucking fuck me I have never been as freaked by anything any of those other gents wrote as i was by the unrelenting mentality of the evils of THOTB. left me feeling exhausted and demented and glad it was just a book. buy it for a friend for christmas i dare thee.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
15:33 / 17.11.03
The Halfbakery has on occasion competed with Barbelith for my attention. Therein, people submit ideas or inventions for public praise or decimation. It's a none-too-gentle forum; people can be very quick to piss all over some poor soul's new concept, but that's half the fun, really.

It's great. You'll like it. Look out for the guy who designs wacky clocks.
Mourne Kransky
15:44 / 17.11.03
If you want to shuffle your deck, toksik, and see what pops unexpectedly up, you could try the I Ching Online, or maybe Oblique Strategies.
Char Aina
16:34 / 08.08.04

any places to recomend this season?
18:59 / 08.08.04
Ideas. Hmmm. I used to claim that I never had 'new' ideas, but was very good at exploring and refining other people's. I still think that's true, but I think sometimes other people's ideas are the result of (consciously or unconsciously) exploring/refining old ideas.

Manic people, on the other hand, genuinely seem to experience new ideas...
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