Just a quick magickal results note:
I'm taking a grad course in "Statistics for Educators" right now, en route to my M.Ed. We're right at the beginning of the second half of the course - inferential statistics - and...
...I had to miss class, on the week that our prof' said we would be going over the most important concepts in the course.
I did a spontaneous on-the-fly working (I was in my car, in commute traffic) to "not fall too far behind" and not have "mountains of work to make up." I figured I could use the boost, right?
/a week passes/
I get to class the following week (last night), and nobody could remember what the class had covered the week before. The prof' even said that she had "a blank in [her] mind as far as last week is concerned." People remembered all the off-topic personal banter, but the most anyone could say about class is that they must not've done a whole lot.
And we started over again as if the previous week had never happened.
The "Above and Beyond" part took effect when the prof' told us that, since we were now officially "off the syllabus," we didn't have to do any of the homework problems for the next chapter, possibly not the chapter after that, and that we might even just forego the final exam.
*blink blink*
Just thought I'd share. It's nice when magickal effects are so explicit.
This is only one of a handful of wildly amplified workings over the past week or two....
Anyone else have any fun work or school magick anecdotes? What about "spells" that went off way better than you had expected?
Do tell! 
~L |