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The Late Shaft


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Gypsy Lantern
22:59 / 11.11.03
So I’m sat here at my desk, it’s long after midnight, and a large cavern of scary darkness seems to be gradually opening up beneath me. And it’s not the sort of cavern where the Beatles used to play, and it’s not the sort of darkness that ponces about in spandex. My immediate response is to greet it with some crazy shit of my own in the hope that it might get scared.

The story goes that there’s an office building in Bloomsbury that houses a clandestine offshoot of the secret service known as the Pearly Kings & Queens. The building itself is fairly non-descript and blends in with any number of drab and dreary concrete slabs in the sour wasteland between Oxford Street and Holborn. If you were of a mind to eavesdrop, you could put a glass to the door and not be at all surprised by the muffled clacking and dull muttering that you might hear. It wouldn’t be too difficult to imagine a handful of fish-eyed men in untidy suits tapping away at dirty keyboards, swapping last month’s chain e-mails, and fantasising about the receptionist. Just a few more square feet of open-plan anonymity. Move along please, nothing to see here.

Easy to imagine, but way off the mark. What goes on in there is a whole different kind of deal. You might have seen one or two Pearly Kings or Queens out and about in the East End. Just one of them funny London traditions isn’t it, like Chelsea Pensioners and Jellied Eels. There isn’t anything sinister about it, and of course you haven’t looked closely at their costumes. It’s just daft sequins and sewn-on buttons. It’s all just a bit of laugh, I don’t really understand it myself, but it takes all sorts doesn’t it. And that’s how we never see them coming.

They like to hunt in the East End. It’s always been their manor. Somewhere that they’re guaranteed to get a steady supply of the type of merchandise that interests them. When they go out fishing, Stepney looks the other way and Hackney holds its breath. They harvest pieces, you see. Intricate little things that you never thought you’d miss. Tiny spaces of life that stick everything else together, five minutes here and a phone call there. A cup of tea and a kiss goodnight, a walk home in the rain, a trip to the shops on a Saturday afternoon. They take them, and we pretend it isn’t happening.

When they’ve had their fill, they parade up High Holborn. It’s one of their processional routes. Arm in arm, hats tipped at a jaunty angle and a swagger in their step. Like the Lambeth walk, gone horribly wrong. Marching over London tarmac back to their offices. Back to Bloomsbury, where the stitching is done.

Everything begins and ends in Bloomsbury. Behind locked doors, they roll out the barrel. Empty out their evenings haul onto beige carpets and divide up their lovely plunder beneath unkind strip lights. They like to take turns to process their takings. Putting your precious merchandise through their contraptions. An endless conveyor belt of awful devices that don’t seem to make any sense, horrible cogs battering and condensing and making it all much smaller than it was, the whole room filled with the deafening chatter of ghostly sewing machines hammering a new cruel miniature world into shape.

When they’re done, they pluck what’s left out of their apparatus, polish it up with a bit of elbow grease, and stitch it onto their clothes. Just another sad trinket among hundreds, the tawdry pearls on their costumes that nobody really looks at. Just another of them funny London traditions. Everything that you ever treasured, pinned on to an idiot’s chest and paraded through town.
Char Aina
23:32 / 11.11.03
and the cavern of darkness.. it eats pearls?
Gypsy Lantern
23:33 / 11.11.03
loves 'em.
Char Aina
23:41 / 11.11.03
i am watching a show on TeeVee called the corner, sort of a fly-on-the-wall style drama about life round a new york ghetto corner.
its pretty good, but i dont think it's going to give me pleasant dreams and a positive bed time attitude.

its a good job i'm single, or i'd wake the lady up to share the misery.
Char Aina
02:58 / 14.11.03

and soon to be watching a video i made earlier.
of that egyptian thingy.
Char Aina
05:31 / 14.11.03
06:00 / 15.11.03
thanks, toksik. I now have a new phrase in my girlfirend-torturing arsenal.
22:31 / 15.11.03

Right now, I have red hair and green eyes, and it looks mental. Or it would, were my eyes not so red from prodding at them for about an hour straight, trying to get them in. They make it look so easy, but they kept popping back to front, and sticking to my finger and all sorts. And my vision is slightly blurred round the edges.

So come February, I will be free to travel, with redundancy bonus in my bank, and a rail travel card of my ex-sister in law, with my photo slipped in my pocket, and my brother pretending to be my husband.

So where to? Have you been anywhere (pref in europe- dont know how far the free trains go) that you've though "wow"? I know Im going to Berlin and near Munich to see friends. Other than that, the money, and possibly Iraq, I have no limitations. Isnt it nice.
Gypsy Lantern
22:37 / 15.11.03
A targetted invasion of erotic nano-beasts flooding into your bloodstream.

A clever hat that improves your spelling.

A dishwasher crossbred with a the Dunwich Horror and house-trained by seven ridiculous nurses.

In a few short hours, all of these things will come to pass. Keep your eyes peeled and your ears to the ground. Sixteen hours of carpet madness starts today.
Gypsy Lantern
22:40 / 15.11.03
There it was, just sitting there. At first I thought it was an apple that had fallen from next doors tree, but then I looked a bit closer at it and saw it wink. It was like a little creature but in the shape of a big eyeball. All pink flesh round the outside and a big blue eye at the front end – a lovely shade of blue, though. You’d think that a thing like that would make you go a bit queasy wouldn’t you, but it didn’t. It looked a right treat it did. Like something you might want to pick up or take a hold of. Pleasant, like, not at all standoffish.

I poked at it a bit with my secateurs, just gently mind, and it flapped about a bit on the grass. Funny playful little thing it was, you can see why I had to pick it up. So I was holding it in my hand, having a good look at it, letting it move about over my fingers where it wanted, and a thought occurred to me.

I don’t know why I did it really. It just seemed right at the time. You know, when you just want to try something in the spur of the moment. I held it up so I could have a good look at it, then I just popped it in. There wasn’t any struggle, I thought there would be because there was already a thing in the way of it, but it went in good as gold. I could feel its little legs stroking the inside of the socket, and, thinking about it, they must have pushed my own eyeball right back in. It was just the right size. A perfect fit – who’d have thought there was space for something like that.
22:48 / 15.11.03
Im scared. This aint no normal lateshift, and my eyes are too sore (possibly peeled) to read it all. Think I'll take these buggers out, and go to bed. Nunight xx
Gypsy Lantern
22:54 / 15.11.03
I’m not sure what happened right after that. I think things went a bit odd for five minutes or so, and it was all colours and funny voices speaking at the same time. I thought I could see all these faces growing out of each other like a big thing with lots of branches, but that’s just the way I get sometimes. I’ve always had me funny turns. Cathy says I don’t get enough calcium but it’s no good because I’ve never liked milk very much. I suppose its only natural though, to feel a bit off-colour after something like that.

There wasn’t really any difference at first. Everything looked just the same as it did before. The roses were the same colour red, and the creosote on the fence was as brown as it was when I put it on the week prior. The only difference was the sorts of things that I started looking at in the garden. I’d never felt the likes of it before, it was for all the world as if my eyes wanted to look at all kinds of things that I didn’t. It took a while before I started to notice there was something amiss.
23:11 / 15.11.03
I hate when you read something you like and you find you have nothing to say.

anyway. "the corner", if it was based on a book, is about baltimore. easy to confuse the two, as new york is the one with the high profile badass rep. it's by david simon, the same guy who did "homicide" and, I believe, the new series "the wire".

I actually included a little something regarding him in the barbelith wandering notebook.
Gypsy Lantern
20:54 / 16.11.03
When I was about 6 I found this funny little thing on the floor of the sitting room. It was the summer holidays and I remember watching King of the Rocket Men on the telly, drinking a cup of orange juice, and eating fish fingers and chips. When I first spotted it I wasn’t sure what it was. It thought it was one of my toys that I’d forgotten about. Something that I’d gotten for Christmas a couple years ago and hadn’t bothered with much. But when it started moving I wasn’t so sure.

I got on my hands and knees and went over to take a look at it. I could hear something like a whispering noise, like when you try to tune in a radio and hear these far away voices coming through the noise. It was like that, but sweeter and nicer to listen to. Like it was your mum or something. For a minute I thought that the thing on the carpet was some big foreign insect, like those things that Gran said you got in Malta. She went there on her holidays in the 70s and has tons of stories about big spiders and things like that. I was wrong though. When it said my name, I knew it couldn’t be a spider.

It looked like a toy because it was wearing this costume, full of spikes and padding like something from the future. Like something that Buck Rogers might fight. It was whispering all sorts of things at me, about what might happen to me in 20 years from now. Funny stuff that I couldn’t really understand about a machine I was supposed to build and what it might do for their planet, and loads of things about planets lining up. I tried to squash it with my slipper but it was too tough, and it kept trying to tell me things.
Char Aina
03:58 / 17.11.03
anyway. "the corner", if it was based on a book, is about baltimore.

see, i trust you, and that worries me. that means my brain is glitching, because i was sure i had heard them say stuff about new york.

the main character is a heroin addict, and his supporting cast are his girl, another addict who he sometimes scores with, andre the kid who hasnt got in trouble yet, and a bunch of other wasted dudes who steal copper and stuff to get the money to get high.
same story, you reckon?
Char Aina
04:01 / 17.11.03
tour dates for a band you should see

and the london gig is a freebie, so dont be a dafty, show some sense and go see.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:39 / 17.11.03
Keep writing stuff like that first post, Gypsy, and you'll put that Sinclair man out of a job. Not Clive, the other one. And that Ackroyd chappie. Not Dan, the other one, with the very very thin moustache.

Keep writing stuff like in your other posts and you'll put me out of a sanity. Wahhhh.
Gypsy Lantern
11:57 / 17.11.03
Actually, I reckon Clive Sinclair and Dan Ackroyd should collaborate on a book about London psychogeography. It'd be brilliant.
12:05 / 17.11.03
Dan Ackroyd is a huge believer in psychogeography and also in ghosts and aliens, his grandfather was a psychic investigator/ghost hunter.

He went off on one on Richard and Judy the other week about, UFO's being interdimensional beings jumping through the fabric of space for one of the 11 known dimensions, Judy wasn't quite sure what to say.
Gypsy Lantern
12:10 / 17.11.03
Ackroyd could handle the weird occult stuff, and Sinclair would be more of a McGyver-type character, always coming up with crazy inventions to save London from interdimensional menace.
Saint Keggers
12:51 / 17.11.03
Iron Maiden once appeared at a local Irish pub and spent the evening performing Tom Jones songs. Having found that out I realize my world has the sureal but true button left on....and isnt this kings of way early for a lateshift?
13:09 / 17.11.03
Iron Maiden Rock.

This thread is just used for general chat too pen buying Kegboy plus it must be late somewhere.

I feel great if not a little disconnected from Earth and Gypsy Lantern and Mordants stuff isn't helping, which is in fact a good thing.
13:12 / 17.11.03
toksik - yeah, although I haven't read the book, I believe it is. we gots ourselves a good sized heroin problem up in this place.
Saint Keggers
13:25 / 17.11.03
Dan Ackroyd was also host of Pysfactor: Chronicles of the Paranormal. A show staring that guy who played Max Headroom. IT was a bad show. Not Max Headroom but Psyfactor. A real bad show.
13:30 / 17.11.03
I don't believe anything called Pysfactor could possibly be bad. I think I saw that Max Headroom in something like that, maybe it was the Outer Limits - he was a Doctor I think.
Gypsy Lantern
13:52 / 17.11.03
are you sure it was Max Headroom and not Clive Sinclair? It's easy to get the two of them muddled sometimes.
14:10 / 17.11.03
Max Headroom would look pretty funny in a C5 though. But then, so would anyone.
Saint Keggers
15:32 / 17.11.03
What's a C5?
Mourne Kransky
16:09 / 17.11.03

The whole sad, sad story here, Kegboy. It looked like it was going to save the world and make him a megabillionaire. Or not really. It was like the bastard child of a tuk-tuk and a motorised scooter.
Char Aina
20:55 / 17.11.03
there's an advertising firm in town here that has at least two of them in their offices. i always wondered if they let the execs ride around on them at lunch time as a treat.

y'know, if they got all their work done, and they had a note from their mum.
20:59 / 17.11.03
the C5 is probably the single biggest reason why you don't see more segway's in the UK ... (well apart from the obvious reasons)
rizla mission
21:59 / 17.11.03
finally, a late shift thread early enough for me to catch it..

Iron Maiden once appeared at a local Irish pub and spent the evening performing Tom Jones songs. Having found that out I realize my world has the sureal but true button left on....

So many questions..

did they really learn all those songs just for a one off?

did they admit they were Iron Maiden?

did they do the songs in a 'Maiden style or stick to standard pub band renditions?

Those crazy guys..
22:03 / 17.11.03
Ha! The Maiden can "do" Tom Jones. But Tom Jones cannot "do" the Maiden. Thus is the primacy of metal demonstrated.

Isn't Bruce Dickinson an airline pilot these days?
22:07 / 17.11.03
That may be an illusion. I like to believe a) that Bruce Dickinson left the Maiden and b) that his replacement was selected from an Iron Maiden tribute band, although I know that that was Judas Priest. Did the lead singer of Stiltskin join the Maiden, or was that Runrig? Do any bands have their original singers anymore?

Then again, I also believe that the first Iron Maiden singer was Blazes Boylan. I may be confused.
rizla mission
22:08 / 17.11.03
That and being in Iron Maiden.

And apparently writing really bad sex farces.

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