Zoom, the studies have all shown that while the 8 weeks would help productivity, in the US it will never happen. Employees here do not take the vacation they are given because if they do, they are thought of as "disloyal" and not as productive as those who work through the year.
The US is a very weird country when it comes to this, when the people in charge get to take a LOT of time off and the worker drones do more and more to make it worse on themselves. The job I have now is supposed to be a 40 hour job, but my supervisor has told me that the company expects that I put in over 50 hours a week (and since I am salaried, I get no pay past that 40th hour), and that I probably will not be able to use my vacation until I get near the cap, when I will be asked to take a day off every week or so until I get it down to a "managable level."
The other thing that just amazes me is how the poor in this country routinely vote for politicians who flat out say they will not be helping them. They work against unions that would make their lives better and their workplaces better.
It baffles me, and the only analogy I can think of is that all of us here in the US are running for the cliff just as hard as we can to jump off with all of the other lemmings. |