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Secondhand bookshops in New York

15:24 / 06.11.03
Can any of the New Yorkers recommend good shops for finding used books? I am looking particularly for the sort of place that sells hardcover first editions of novels and theory, rather than something like the Strand.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated, thank you.
8===>Q: alyn
16:08 / 06.11.03
The only thing I can think of is, like, "Uh, that place in the '40s, something to do with Fishes..." Have you looked in the Yellow Pages?
22:56 / 06.11.03
Almost any suggestions.
8===>Q: alyn
23:18 / 06.11.03
Excuse me, Brainiac. Let your fingers do the walking.
23:41 / 07.11.03
Thank you for ignoring my (I hope) fairly polite, specific request for information, and instead giving me a list of what appears to be every bookstore in New York.

Are you amenable to bribery? If I buy you a drink when I get to town will you let me alone till then? Two drinks, even.
00:02 / 08.11.03
You mean apart from the reeeeeaaal big store that dominates Broadway a few blocks below Union Square?
Ooohh, the name escapes me...
00:04 / 08.11.03
Oops, sorry, didn't notice the "apart from the Strand" in the original post. I think there's a few goodies up on Park Slope that'd be worth a look.
16:03 / 08.11.03
There is a little store on St. Mark's place between First Avenue and Avenue A - the name escapes me, but I think it's called East Village Books. It is very small, but sort of comfortable in its narrow aisles, and they have a reasonable variety of stuff (they also don't pay much for used, but I don't think that'll be a big issue for you). St. Mark's Books doesn't have used, but they do have such a good selection of cut-outs and cheapies that it's worth stopping in anyway.

On Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg (I forgot the cross street) is another tiny store, a bit more varied (it is on Bedford), with used books, non-mainstream magazines, the small creations of local artists (wallets and wrist straps and things), and various miscellany. It's somewhere around N. 4th street, I'd say; if you get out the Bedford stop, walk away from the pizza parlor and you can't miss it.

I wish I could remember more, but that's all that comes to mind.
16:05 / 08.11.03
Er, sorry I sort of skipped the first editions and theory part of your request. St. Mark's, like I said, doesn't do used, but they'd probably be a good stop for theory...
17:52 / 10.11.03
Thanks very much, I will look into these.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
21:20 / 10.11.03
Go upstairs at the Strand. Separate entrance. The downstairs is full of remaindered art and resale SF. Upstairs, they specialise in Conan Doyle first editions and lovely, lovely other things. Other than that, walk down from the south east side of Union Square towards 10th, and there's a nice place on your right. Can't remember, the name, haven't been there for ages and I'm an old fart with a lousy memory.
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