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Bobboss and Disgusting Pig's birthday.

Gary Lactus
07:36 / 05.11.03
So what, who cares?
07:44 / 05.11.03
The Bear Cares...Happy Birthday - Did they get anything nice, a He-man figure perhaps?
10:02 / 05.11.03
I care, too. Happy birthday, boys!
10:10 / 05.11.03
Happy birthdays! Now don't eat too much cake...
Tryphena Absent
10:21 / 05.11.03
10:40 / 05.11.03
Happy Birthday!

It's also my cats' birthdays today - they are three.

Why don't you change your names to Kali and Shiva for the day and I'll call them Boboss and Disgusting Pig?
Gary Lactus
15:25 / 05.11.03
Disgusting Pig is also known as a kitten called Speckle. Weird coincidence.
16:37 / 05.11.03
Happy Birthday Twins.
12:50 / 06.11.03
Thanking all my birthday fans one day late.

You are all top chums!

Anyway, the big 28 is here, and I'm nearly 30. Incredamazing + slightly scary.
13:11 / 06.11.03
Bear, on the pressie front:

Over 200 much needed quids from mum and rich god parents.

Er... a lottery ticket from dad.

A lovely habitat lamp and a nice tasteful photo-frame from wonder-flatmates.

Ballard's latest - Like old socks: familiar, warm and slightly unpleasant - off me granpops.

Six posters of me scattered over Brighton town, courtesy of Fraely. Magic.

A Hulk card that goes "RAARRRGHH!"

Loads of love and affection.

Much to my disappointment, no He-Man action figure.
13:33 / 06.11.03
Happy Belated Birthday. I@m confused as to who is who eactly - all the Brighton Crew are one huge interbred conglomerate as far as I can tell.
Eloi Tsabaoth
13:54 / 06.11.03
14:35 / 06.11.03
look, seriously, can someone take the fraely's word 'twinge' out of the summary please? we're not all women haters you know, and i've been offended in the piss by this for two days now.
The Falcon
01:06 / 07.11.03
Happy (belated) birthday Boss/Pig twins.

Youse = dudes.
10:36 / 07.11.03
Thanks, Duncan.

Notice Kao does not wish b-day goodness. That must be because he's brought me loadsa luverly gifts.

I am expecting gifts this evening.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:47 / 07.11.03
Belated birthday wishes you filthy and disgusting pair.
11:31 / 07.11.03
no gifts, but we do have a couple of reasonably patronising cards which will just have to do I'm afraid.
Bill Posters
11:36 / 07.11.03
Happy birthday dudes, but but but... was my birthday also that day!! So we're triplets!!! Eeeeeewwwwwwww!!!!

(As usual, I didn't tell anyone, because I don't much like myself and believe my entire life to be a damage limitation exercise, and so i find birthdays quite impossible things to actually celebrate. I generally see them more as something one suffers. On top of that, I had extra trouble this year with the realisation-of-growing-old-thing, so i just stupified myself with alcohol and did nothing special whatsoever. Birthdays, eh? I fuckin' hate 'em, they get worse every year.)

At thirty-one, when some are rich
And others dead,
I, being neither,
Have a job instead...

etc etc. (Philip Larkin, you rock.)
Goodness Gracious Meme
11:49 / 07.11.03
eww indeed. *not* a pleasing image, o cheery one.

er, might be a bit nix on the gift front, but I'm sure some huggles will make up for that.

won't they?
Bill Posters
12:08 / 07.11.03
aww! (Huggles are the archetypal gift which all other gifts can only weakly symbolise...)
Goodness Gracious Meme
12:15 / 07.11.03
(thankyew, that's what i'll be telling the Boboss-Pigs later)
16:17 / 07.11.03
Honestly, I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Kaologan is such a nice fellow irl.

Now then, Bill, you too are a guyfawkesnightian? Very good. As for being triplets, one split of the zygote was quite enough, thanks.

Further thanks to Fly, Sauron and Bengali.
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