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Which Chalet girl are you?


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Tryphena Absent
09:16 / 03.11.03
As promised to Kit Cat...

Which Chalet School Girl Are You?

I was, dear god, Joey Bettany.
09:27 / 03.11.03
I am -
Margia Stevens!
Naughty but Gifted.

I loved these books when I was kid, I think I'm prob still a member of the club!
Scrubb is on a downward spiral
10:18 / 03.11.03
Result! Eustacia Benson

Above-average scholar, foolish name which can be shortened in a boyish manner, and transformed through the power of a good haircut.
Tryphena Absent
10:27 / 03.11.03
I'd just like to make it clear that I'm not having triplets and/or twins ever. I'm not going to marry a doctor. I'm not going to marry and if I did have triplets one of them would not become a missionary.
11:53 / 03.11.03
Spidermonkey, I too am Margia Stevens. La la la...
Saint Keggers
12:52 / 03.11.03
It would seem that I am -
Clem Barras!
Hot-tempered artist.

Now would somebody please explain wtf that text was all about?
And what is fretwork?
16:07 / 03.11.03
Gisela Marani - first head girl, apparently. But I've never really read any Chalet School books, so that means nothing to me.

I'm not entirely sure why I feel the need to do quizzes for which I have no frame of reference...
The Falcon
22:22 / 03.11.03
I am Joey Bettany, also!
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:40 / 03.11.03

You are -
Margia Stevens!
Naughty but Gifted


PS, Anna: hahahahahaha....
Tryphena Absent
08:20 / 04.11.03
Screw you BiP, I'll get my revenge one day. I'm sure if I could have been Mary-Lou I would have been. I hang my head in shame. Joey fucking Bettany.
Kit-Cat Club
09:14 / 04.11.03
I was Eustacia Benson when I did this on Friday - very happy about that, as she was the only sane Chalet girl ever to have made it through the system without succumbing to pleuro-pneumonia or possibly TB. What are the other permutations - can we trick it to find out?

Keggers, Clem Barras is great, you should be proud. Disappointed that no one so far has managed anarchic force of nature Betty Wynne Davis, or feminist icon Tom Gay...
10:31 / 04.11.03
The other possible results, KCC? It tells you on the results page (I know this because I did it again to see what my alternate, and equally accurate, answers would get me - Joey Bettany, in case anyone cares). The possible results are:

Joey Bettany
Clem Barrass
Eustacia Benson
Barbara Chester
Grizel Cochrane
Tom Gay
Robin Humprhies
Gisela Marani
Margia Stevens
Blossom Willoughby
Scrubb is on a downward spiral
14:08 / 04.11.03
Is Robin Humphries that whining brat, the Robin? Yeesh.

Eustacia rocks. I think she was the only one to make it out of the school without becoming a nun/wife of a doctor/games mistress/breeding like a rabbit on crack.
Cherry Bomb
15:01 / 04.11.03
I am Joey Bettany, too. But, what does it all mean????
Our Lady of The Two Towers
17:07 / 04.11.03
You are -
Eustacia Benson!
Above-Average Scholar.

Is this good?
18:34 / 04.11.03
Eustacia Benson, unsurprisingly. Is there a Malory Towers one? Or a "Making Out" one.

This is important.
19:06 / 04.11.03
When I was little I soooo wished I went to Malory Towers.
Tryphena Absent
08:31 / 05.11.03
Oh Olulabelle, I knew there was a reason we saw eye to eye. All the best people want to be in North Tower!
08:40 / 05.11.03
Yay! Malory Towers!
I bet Anna would be Darrell!
Tryphena Absent
09:11 / 05.11.03
With my hot temper and deeply ingrained sense of honour I couldn't fail!
14:23 / 05.11.03
Malory Towers personality quiz
Another Malory Towers quiz

Finally, a children's book quiz for which I actually have a frame of reference - pity they aren't very good. I got Ellen in the first one (who was Ellen again?) and Alicia in the second one.
Tryphena Absent
15:25 / 05.11.03

You're Darrell, sporty yet creative, bad-temperedbut responsible. You're not actually veryexciting but the author identifies with you sorest assured that things will turn out well.
Which Malory Towers girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla

DarrellOccassionally prone to fits of temper, but liked bystaff and students alike. You arestraightforward, honest, good-hearted Darrell.
Which Malory Towers character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
15:44 / 05.11.03
SallyIt might take a while to get to know you, but it'swell worth the effort. You are steady,perceptive, thoughtful Sally.
Which Malory Towers character are you? brought to you by Quizilla

I'd kind of guessed already, dammit she's so wet!
Tryphena Absent
17:42 / 05.11.03
OH! But we're best friends now Spidermonkey! You can be Sports Captain to my Head Girl and don't worry Ellen, I mean Cholister, you're a decent bookish sort. You cheated once but out of desparation and good, sound girls like me and Sally, I mean Spidermonkey, will always support you!
18:23 / 05.11.03
Thankee, Darrell. However, I think I'll go with the test that said I was Alicia - though I'm doubtless not as clever. And I'd be worried if I hadn't already finished a degree, because I distinctly remember some stuff at the end of the Upper Sixth book about how Darrell would do far better at university than Alicia, because Alicia, for all her intelligence, was too flighty and would never be able to discipline herself...

So, yeah: Alicia
19:09 / 05.11.03
I obviously just want to be Anna DeL, because I got Darrell too. Since there can't be two Darrell's, who else can I be?
Tryphena Absent
20:36 / 05.11.03
It's alright Olula, we can merge in to one another slowly like separate parts of Faber John's personality.
Kit-Cat Club
08:18 / 06.11.03
I got Darrell too which is obviously wrong, and even more so because it spoils the lovely Faber John ref.

Tryphena Absent
09:02 / 06.11.03
Our real problem is that we're all in the same unstable era so how could we possibly be parts of Faber John?
Kit-Cat Club
09:19 / 06.11.03
V. true.

Anyway, I got Sally on the second one, which seems more accurate. Good old Malory Towers! I'll miss you, I think, as I take a last look at the quiet grey towers and the bright green lawn. What jolly times we've had! I am looking forward to university and becoming a writer. But I'll always remember Malory Towers!

Goodbye, Sally! Goodbye, Darrell! Goodbye, Malory Towers!
Our Lady of The Two Towers
11:19 / 06.11.03
You're Suzanne. Your problem is you're French.You'll never fit in at Malory Towers.
Which Malory Towers girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla

MaryLouTimid but tender-hearted, you are a true and loyalfriend (but beware of being taken advantageof). You are sweet, shy, gentle Mary-Lou.
Which Malory Towers character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Tryphena Absent
11:47 / 06.11.03
Oh Lady, you'd make such a lovely Cinderella!
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:33 / 25.12.04
forgotten about this, reminded by the darling Anna de:

SallyIt might take a while to get to know you, but it'swell worth the effort. You are steady,perceptive, thoughtful Sally.
Which Malory Towers character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
02:52 / 25.12.04
AliciaSupremely self-confident, sharp-tongued, and goodat pretty much everything you try, you may notbe aware how intimidating or impressive you canseem to those less able than yourself. You arelively, witty, irrepressible Alicia.
Which Malory Towers character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
22:33 / 25.12.04

Linky goodness
As I couldn't find a which Enid Blyton character are you quiz, the above link hasn't even a flimsy connection to Chalet School Girls or Malory towers but momentarily diverting in the same way I suppose.
Who is Joe Bettany?

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