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The by-now-traditional Stoatie hates kids who scare his dog thread

14:43 / 01.11.03
Oh, it's that time of year again. Both my and my flatmates' dogs are in sheer fucking terror because some little wankers keep setting fireworks off outside our house. Yesterday a kid came up to me and asked if I'd buy fireworks for him- I refused politely, but what I really wanted to say was "FUCK OFF! You AND all your mates! It's little shits like you that are making my dog's life hell! Just fuck the fuck off, why don't you?"


I can't even take my dog for a proper walk now... she's too scared to leave the house for more than a couple of minutes.
Saint Keggers
15:46 / 01.11.03
Silly Stoatie, You tell the kids that you'd be happy to buy fireworks for them. Buy them and then soak them in water right in front of the kids. Ruin their fucking day! Then yell alot using words such as punk-assed punks! and Whippersnappers! It also helps if you remind them that there's a reason kids cant buy fireworks and that later on they'll thank you.
Not Here Still
15:54 / 01.11.03
Little bastards.

Poor dog.

Then again, they've started using fireworks to blow cars up just over the border, so all in all it could be worse...

Hopefully it's all over in a week or so, although that's not going to cheer the dog up much, eh?
09:00 / 02.11.03
I wouldn't mind quite so much if they used fireworks that actually LOOKED cool, instead of the kind that do fuck all apart from make a loud noise. For fuck's sake, we're in Hackney! All they've gotta do if they want a loud bang is walk down the road to Clapton and they can get shot.

Sorry, I think I'm becoming cantankerous. I always do at this time of year.
12:05 / 02.11.03
I feel your pain, Stoatie.

My dog gets scared witless this time and year and it takes months before he'll stay outside for more than five minutes at a time.

Little bastards.
13:13 / 02.11.03
Yeah. Axel was spooked last year too when he lived there. Now he's in Amsterdam and doesn't have to worry until New Year's Eve and a day or two before and after.

Po' little dawgies...
19:09 / 02.11.03
Little gits!
Our cats are the same this time of year, they keep disappearing under the bed. It's been Divali round here too so the fireworks ahve already been going for two weeks. It's like the blitz, only without the horrific casualties and prettier colours.
Bill Posters
12:31 / 04.11.03
poor Biscuits, poor animals everywhere. There wuz a tv doc about how to deal with this, but it involved a long process of reconditioning (i.e. playing a tape of f/work noise when feeding the dogs) so it's prolly too late for this yr.
Brigade du jour
20:10 / 04.11.03
I just hate kids. But yeah, especially when they take the piss out of poor animals who don't understand. Like me. And evidently Biscuits.

All you have to do is find something that scares kids like fireworks scare dogs. Like maybe, I don't know, give them a fucking book to read.
20:49 / 04.11.03
I can't concur with this thread, because earlier my dog was cowering under the table, looking at me as if to say "Why are you doing this to me? Why? Why?" Every time a bang went off.

But my son was also sitting under the table with his arms around the dog, saying "Don't be scared, it's not scary. Don't be scared."

It's not the kids I blame. It's the totally lax parents that think it's OK to let your child out at night setting off random fireworks, because, "hey, if they're not in bothering you, then what's the problem?"

Brigade du jour
21:49 / 04.11.03
Fair point olulabelle, but I still say give the, a fucking book to read. And that goes for most parents too.
Saint Keggers
21:54 / 04.11.03
A big hard covered book. Smack'em silly with them. Learn them good!
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:16 / 04.11.03
bah, I sympathise, probably more than I usually would after Saturday, when the poor delivery chap who was providing us with much-needed curry came to the door practically shaking, having got out of his car a split-second after a large firework had hit it.

Poor sod, he was terrified...
Brigade du jour
00:16 / 05.11.03
A firwwork hit his car? Jesus, how stupid do people have to be before they can't tell the difference between horizontal and perpendicular?
05:39 / 05.11.03
re horizontal fireworks - a good third of the fireworks I see being set off are being laid on the ground so they shoot along the road/ pavement. I wish they'd ban/ restrict the things more - they're too dangerous as it is.
Lilly Nowhere Late
06:49 / 05.11.03
There was just a report last night on the news how from January sales of fireworks are about to
be restricted and limited and so forth. They must mean it somewhat as all the interviewed firecracker
retailers were really angry about the new laws coming in.

When Frankie grows up, I am going to teach her to beat up all kids who scare animals in any way.

How come there are so many un-supervised children without manners? I think a lot of abortions could
have been duly reconsidered as plausible during the late `80s. At least in our neighbourhood.
Mourne Kransky
10:27 / 05.11.03
There was a brief thing about helping dogs cope with firework-induced stress on the Today programme yesterday morning. Tried to find the sound file in the archive but no joy. Main point seemed to be keeping the domestic environment noisy to distract your beast. Doesn't much help when the firecrackers can go off anywhere, anytime.

Did find this advice from an American article though:

Distraction may be the best bet...

"When the dog hears a crack of thunder or fireworks go off and it sits up and shakes a little bit, I'll have the owner make an unusual noise," he said.

"Without the pet seeing it, you can squeak a toy, thump your fingers on a piece of furniture -- anything that will get the dog's attention and elicit an orienting response where it looks up to say, 'What was that?', and forgets the storm for 30 seconds or more."

"Have a party. Run into the kitchen, get a handful of really special treats and run around the house. For a border collie or a similar dog, grab a handful of tennis balls and throw them right and left.

"It makes the dog more likely to focus on you as you're racing around the house, and more likely to tune out other environmental stimuli."

[Expert] favors a kind of hard rubber toys with a hollow core into which food can be placed, making a distracting game out of getting at the kibble.

"Eating is incompatible with anxiety, so if you have them eating, it cuts down the anxiety," she said.

Oh, and about the family cat: Cats can indeed be frightened by noises... But... they address the problem themselves in the time-tested way. They run and hide.

Is kibble a generic term for dog food in the US then? Or is it the brand name for giant sized Valium tablets for dogs?

Monstrous children. Uma Thurman should pursue them and spank them with a big Japanese sword.
10:44 / 06.11.03
I heard the thing on the Today programme- mostly it was about how you should talk to them really excitedly as if you were playing rather than make a bit deal of going "oh, it's alright, poor baby", because that just convinces them that they're right to be scared. So I've been trying that, and it seems to be working a little.

Anyway, the worst should be over by now...
11:02 / 06.11.03
My mum tried doping our dog one year with some heavy duty knock tranqs from the Vets. It was horrible, the dog came around half way through and proceeded to weave drunkenly around the living room, her back legs still not working. Not a good look.

Having said that, I tried the tranqs afterward. They were pretty good.
11:06 / 06.11.03
Obviously, they should give these to the kids. Then everybody will be happy.
19:29 / 06.11.03
I take it then that you actually *can* think of a reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.
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