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President Bush's state visit to the United Kingdom. 19th-21st November.


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Bill Posters
16:25 / 17.11.03
[mutters] we should all have been sectioned a long time ago [/mutters]
Lurid Archive
16:44 / 17.11.03
I think that shooting brits is something they'll probably try to avoid, but I still think that asking for diplmatic immunity "just in case" is pretty tactless.

Give em hell guys.
Bill Posters
16:48 / 17.11.03
i hear from U75 that demonstrators are already unfurling banners on the walls of Fuckingham Palace, yay! Police and meeja both already present.
Not Here Still
17:48 / 17.11.03
Jsut to clarify, as it was my morbidly morose pessimism which started the debate; yeah, I doubt that anyone will get shot and hell, you are more likely to get run over by a bus or get anphylactic shock (zat right?) from eating peanuts than you are to be shot by a Bush bodyguard. And you wouldn't worry about eating peanuts at a bus stop, would you? So, if you can go to the protest and you feel yous should go to the protests, GO.

All I was saying is that there seemed to be a testing of the waters to see what the reaction would be, and a noticeable amount of plausible people mooting the possibility.

That said, those of you who suggested that a protestor getting shot should would play badly in the election; (1) Well, paint me fuckin' surprised; Paxman and Humphries must be terrified that someone with such political nous isn't after their jobs and (2) surely dead American soldiers in bodybags play a little worse than some dead European?

The hypocrisy of the comments on the protests is very enlightening, too; "We think it is great people are protesting; this is what we are trying to bring to the people of Iraq, the right to free speech and the right to protest. But we want diplomatic immunity if we shoot them."

From the revolutionary pages of the Daily Mail online, a protest update: veteran campaigner Lindis Percy arrested at the gates of Buckingham Palace.

I like Lindis Percy. She rocks.
Tryphena Absent
19:09 / 17.11.03
surely dead American soldiers in bodybags play a little worse than some dead European?

You'd like to think so wouldn't you? The thing is that the British media would go apeshit and as American celebs find out when they're targetted... you don't want that.
00:11 / 18.11.03
WOW! I think you people are starting to expect a little too much from this. I'm sure it's going to be an awesome, huge protest....but it's not Derry in 1972. The Yanks can't afford the bad press from shooting everybody...although I'm sure they'd like to ;-) I think pepper spray and batons are going to be the extent of it (if that) Sorry I can't be there. I'm just going to have to stay here with my fellow Canadians (like Stoatie).
00:13 / 18.11.03
Sorry, I meant to say "shoot ANYBODY" not everybody .....I KNOW that won't happen :-)
07:36 / 18.11.03
Brits in favour of the visit, apparently

What da fuck? Has their been some sea change of opinion I've missed? Can someone explain this to me?
Tryphena Absent
08:25 / 18.11.03
Yeah, I can explain it, it's called propaganda. Did you not see the Observer on Sunday's headline? Something along the lines of 'troops to be out of Iraq. Deal struck between Bush and Blair.' They've been trying to limit the aggression for days.
08:39 / 18.11.03
It's just I have hopes - perhaps stupidly deluded - that things like opinion polls and so on are going to be reasonably distortion free. Anyone got any thoughts on the truth or otherwise of this story?
09:03 / 18.11.03
from the link;
"A majority of Labour voters" were pro
41% of voters are still against compared to 48% supporting the war, and although that's moving toward support it's still a massive chunk of people.
Kit-Cat Club
09:25 / 18.11.03
I think that it's usually a matter of the questions they ask not really supporting the conclusions they draw from the results, isn't it, with polls etc. It's quite a small sample as well...
11:11 / 18.11.03
"A majority of Labour voters" were pro

A lot of Labour voters are now likely to be EX-Labour voters, also...

The point is, as Helmschmied says, I'm betting no-one's gonna get shot at all. Not even a little bit. But they've let us know THE POSSIBILITY IS THERE. Not violence per se, but intimidation, oh yes.

Hah! What kind of pussies d'they take us for, eh? Bring it on!
Bill Posters
13:15 / 18.11.03
And you wouldn't worry about eating peanuts at a bus stop, would you?

Hell no, I worry more about choking on a pretzel at a bush stop.
Bill Posters
14:15 / 18.11.03
oh and ignore my comment about us being Sectioned, now looks like we're gonna Section Bush instead!!
20:24 / 18.11.03
Now, why didn't I think of that? Professional reputation and fear of getting shot, you say?
08:50 / 19.11.03
Me like! George: A Suitable Case For Treatment...they should even have a guy in a gorilla suit running around. Thanks to Steve Bell's cartoons, the connection is made.

If only I had a butterfly net.
08:52 / 19.11.03
But I have another vision of protesters along the route standing with their backs turned to Bush because they're all clustered around WiFi-enabled laptops awaiting the latest developments in the Michael Jackson Neverland search.
Kit-Cat Club
11:51 / 20.11.03
No doubt all this fucking pomp and circumstance is the reason behind the timing of the attack on the British consulate and the HSBC in Istanbul.
Kit-Cat Club
11:55 / 20.11.03
Sorry, but - constant violence and death and destruction in Israel and Palestine, in Iraq, and now in Turkey, and what do they do? Posture and wank on about how they must confront and utterly destroy this threat of terrorism blah blah - well why aren't they more bloody successful at it? Does it never occur to them that perhaps they are going about this in the WRONG WAY? Do they even care about that?

(They = Messrs Bush, Blair, and associates in their respective administrations).
12:50 / 20.11.03
The World Socialist Website's take on the Guardian poll...
12:52 / 20.11.03
I was looking forward to watching things on the traffic webcams, but the Register tells me they were taken down "for operational reasons".
ibis the being
13:36 / 20.11.03
Bush bumbles his way through dinner with the Queen

This is very funny. And very sad.

"And despite all the elaborate rituals and customs the president had to observe, the palace made certain accommodations to suit his tastes. The orchestra played 'King Cotton,' a Sousa march, and 'My Heart Will Go On,' the theme song from the movie 'Titanic.' And, just before the guests arrived, the palace butlers placed bottles of Coca-Cola alongside decanters of the queen's port."

"King Cotton" - ?!?
Baz Auckland
14:40 / 20.11.03
Quote from the above article: "The queen gave her toast, noting that, unlike presidents, she was not term-limited. The president smiled, Prince Charles did not."

Goodness Gracious Meme
17:39 / 20.11.03
C4 news: 'largest weekday march ever'

'when police were suggesting figures of 30,000, our estimates were of 30,000 in Trafalgar Square alone'

police now estimating 100,000-110,000. organisers 200,000.
ibis the being
13:36 / 21.11.03
Had a nice little lunch with the coworkers yesterday and we all watched CNN together, which is always fun for me because everyone but me is terribly conservative and pro-war. Anyway CNN had a bit of coverage of the protests in London and Conservative Coworker #1 griped derisively, "What's wrong with them? Would they rather we do nothing? They've found mass graves in Iraq with thousands of dead people in them!" [ahem, cough, *Gulf War I*, cough...] Then to my further dismay, Conservative Coworker #2: "We never should have sent troops in if you ask me. We should have just bombed the government buildings and the places where they were keeping the weapons." Me: "Uh, there weren't any. We never found those." #2: "There weren't??"
#2: "Yeah, anyway, what's wrong with them? Those protesters? What, do they think that's going to change anything?!"
Tryphena Absent
13:59 / 21.11.03
Do they have email addresses? I can send them about 500 articles to them explaining why they're complete twats and have no idea what's going on in the world!
17:56 / 21.11.03
not to be a bastard or anything, but if they were going to pay attention to the email, they'd actually have wanted an answer to the "why" of the protest in the first place.

Anyway, being across the pond, horribly cynical, and pressed for internet time, I was hoping to find a more... factual account of the protests. number of people, mood on the street, police/security presence, anything that comes to mind? TIA.
21:16 / 25.11.03
Bush visits Queen, destroys garden!
Linus Dunce
10:34 / 26.11.03
Ibis (or anyone) -- so the mass graves reportedly found actually contain Iraqis killed by the US in Gulf War I? Where can I find out more about this?
Kit-Cat Club
10:45 / 26.11.03
Must say I don't feel even the faintest twinge of sympathy for the distress of the dear old Q. and the other royals at the mangling of their vastly expensive garden, but it is rather annoying that the govt (i.e. the taxpayers) will have to fund repairs to the buildings, etc.

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