Wow! Thanks everyone, it really means a lot to me that you all like it. And also that people are actually reading it; it's just been under my bed for months. (Even though you should have read it ages ago, Flux. Ha!)
Imp: this is actually a rough draft I put together for a publisher after going to see them. In the end, I never heard back from them. But I'm quite happy to have got a big chunk of work done.
And in fact, that's where the first page comes from, it was just meant to be an introduction. I completely agree with your gripe though: that page feels like a bit of a chore (I always ignore introductions anyway). I had plans to integrate a lot of the text more for the "finished" thing, but for now, all the work I'm doing on this project is complete.
Also: the ending is completely different to the one I had in mind. Well, not completely, but it only offers two viewpoints, and what I had originally intended was a big splash page of my desk (kind of zooming out of the page where Johnny walks away) - with all the writing, sketches and notes for the last page.. kind of every different view I could think of. But the page I did was too big to scan, and because of money and time restrictions, I had to kind of condense it in to the last two pages on here.
I learnt a lot doing this project, and it was great fun. I was very enthused about it. It's shown me a lot of areas to improve on (ie, drawing) that I'm not entirely happy with here (A lot of the pages are very lazy in here, but my excuse was it's meant to be sketchy. I always have an excuse for myself, and when I'm not happy with something, I just keep going back and looking at it until I convince myself it's ok).
But thanks again everyone, this is making me very enthusiastic about the new projects I'm working on.
Also: I'm the kid in the ghostbusters t-shirt. If I ever get anything published, ever, that has to be the photo of me on the sleeve. |