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19:00 / 28.10.03
Polyamory, Polyf**kery, Polyfidelity...Poly want another term?

Polyhatery. That is right! As the old cliched saying goes, "...I hate everyone equally!" Why should I bottle up my feelings for you? Why should I have to focus my hate, repugnance, scorn and rage on only one person when I have room in my bitter, resentful heart for the lot of you? Do you really wish to hoard all my loathing all for yourself? Too bad baby! I am spreading my loathe around, everyone gets some...everyone whom is deserving of my hate, anyway. My hate knows no gender, no colour, no creed, no is panhatery - across the board!

So don't feel so special because I told you to "Go impale yourself on a lightening rod during a thunderstorm...", or made endearingingly abhorrent nicknames for you like "bile-licker" and "armpit-dweller" or because I put "recycled pet waste" in your attache case....because, to break it to are not the only one I am hating at the moment.

Gawd! you are such an insignificant, self-centred speck of Ferengi feces, you disgust me!

Now, what or whom are you hating right now? Right now I am hating the term "Polyhatery". If anyone can come up with something better, I will hate you for life. Currently this un-community is looking for a mascot/spokesperson. We have contacted "Oscar the Grouch", but he has declined, telling us that he thinks we are "..f**king trashy whores" and then proceeded to try and date us. Do you know anyone that would be a good spokesperson for Polyhatery? (Ugh! That word again!) Also, politics of having many hates. What agreements do you make? Does love ever get in your way? Do you get jealous when someone you are hating, hates another? Are you a conservative hater or do you slut your loathe around everywhere and to everyone if you are just given a glance?

Anyway, piss off Pollyanna...

YAY! POLYHATERY! (If I have to say that word one more time I am going to slap a parrot...better yet - a pirate!)
19:38 / 28.10.03
Polyloathing. You get to say olylo.

Each loathsome in its own special way:

employer's shabby typographical choices
lack of a/c in office
campus food
cheap blank cds that have all become corrupted
what passes for tea around this crummy place
the pitiful skills of all other drivers on the road
a certain sour-thighed individual
clogged spots in my silkscreen
fuckers who still haven't shipped my prints
19:48 / 28.10.03
fred: I will hate you forever. ::MWAH::
20:23 / 28.10.03
I get told "your clothes should reflect the clothes we sell" in my interview. Today, I am wearing a zebra halterneck top. We sell (different) zebra halterneck tops. I get told to put my cardigan on, because I need to have my shoulders covered.


And the other day, before we open, Im sitting on a bottom rail, and my supervisor phones my department from TWENTY YARDS AWAY to tell my worky person to pass on to me that I have to stand up. She was insinuating im lazy.. yet she called. fuckers.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
04:29 / 29.10.03
There's only one thing to say to all of this hate.

I wuv you all.

18:22 / 29.10.03
Trix, I am wounded by your lack of commitment to hating me. Forever's not such a long time. If you really hated me you'd become immortal. Then perhaps I could take this forever business a little more seriously.
18:38 / 29.10.03
Fred: Who told you I wasn't? I'll send my army from one of my realms to kick their sorry ass.

oooh...more terminology from Mr.Stone Mirror. (He asked me to credit him to piss you off. You know who "you" are, I don't. Don't go taking the piss with me.)

- polyantagonism (cuz you almost get to say "Pollyanna")

- or if it's not that strong, polyantipathy

- polyabominos (this one is from me)

Solitaire: I am liberated enough to hate huggles too. Free the Loathing! Free the Rage!
Saint Keggers
20:34 / 29.10.03
Ohhhh..(worry worry) This is sooo leading us to the dark side!

-Polyanathematize(cuz you DO get to say polyanna)
21:05 / 29.10.03
Actually, the only thing I really hate is ugly Greek-Latin hybrids. Everything else is just *lovely*. Observe this tiny hamster and tell me the world is not lovely.

21:15 / 29.10.03
Oh Haus, it's all the rage you know! For you though, We can have a special term: Multiabominos.

Somebody ought to tell those Polyamorists they have all pissed off Haus. So much for love when you can't communicate intelligently.
21:48 / 29.10.03
Actually, abominor has as its primary meaning something like "identify as a bad omen", so I wouldn't go for it myself - polymisy? multiodium?
22:03 / 29.10.03
Hmm, I love...I mean, hate them both. Thanks for the abominable tip, Haus.

Whomever coined the term "Polyamory", anyway?
22:09 / 29.10.03
Very good question. It must be reasonably recent - my Concise Oxford doesn't have it. Mind you, my Concise Oxford is a frump, and afraid to par-tay.

Oh! I, sorry, can't think of anything. Tiny hamster, dude. Tiny hamster.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:28 / 30.10.03
Wait...I thought Rage was already free.

All Right, Which of you sick bastards locked Rage up in the basement again and told her to put the lotion on her skin?
18:55 / 30.10.03
I hate people who say "dude."
8===>Q: alyn
19:31 / 30.10.03
S. Rose, I believe you have been warned repetedly not to pick on Rage where I can see you. Don't make me hammer this bag of sand up your car-surfing kiester.
19:43 / 30.10.03
Oh dear. I feel thick for asking this, but Qalyn, what's a 'kiester'?
Tryphena Absent
19:55 / 30.10.03
I hate people who say they hate people who say 'dude'
20:01 / 30.10.03
Pfft. Much care I for the hatred of one who used a 'smiley.' Your hatred is as nothing to me, do you understand?

Qalyn, I detest you. When I come to New York I will feed you that sad bag of sand, and you'll like it.
8===>Q: alyn
23:19 / 30.10.03
A kiester is like a tuches, oulewhatever.

Mind your own business, fred.
03:17 / 31.10.03
I can't help but think I've seen this somewhere before...
07:07 / 31.10.03
Fooking B'geesus! You can't even hate around here without it being some kind of trendy app. Oooooh, and once it is, be sure it will go outta style almost immediately.

F**k off and fist yourself.
12:43 / 31.10.03
I came here full of hate (which leads to anger, suffering and the dark side) but was totally defused by Haus' tiny hamster. Now I can never hate again.
Tiny hamster, dude.
Saint Keggers
13:03 / 31.10.03
Wasnt Tiny Hampster an Elton John song?

Im hating bad coffee everywhere.
13:29 / 31.10.03
Dammit, where is a hungry Bloodhawk when you need one?

*...And now she's in me, always with me, tiny hamster in my hand...!*

Really, I just feel like I woke up one day and the whole bloody world was into this poly-stuff. That is kinda why I posted this thread. Poly-this and pan-that. Was I just not paying attention? When did this phenomenon happen? I feel as if it was just inserted into history through some quantum time warp. How could I have missed it?

Haus, can the Headshop do a "Polyamory" thread? (Even though that term is deplorable.) I have questions dammit!
Bill Posters
13:40 / 31.10.03
Oh dear. I feel thick for asking this, but Qalyn, what's a 'kiester'?

it means 'bottom' in Amerikan. And 'suitcase' also. but it means 'bottom' in this context, of that i'm certain. It's strange, but no one seems to know where the word comes from, or how a word for 'suitcase' came to mean 'bottom'. I've often wondered about it... guess it's one of those mysteries i'll have to learn to live with.
Bill Posters
13:43 / 31.10.03
oh, and i hate everyone.
8===>Q: alyn
18:12 / 31.10.03
no one seems to know ... how a word for 'suitcase' came to mean 'bottom'

It's where you keep all your shit, obviously.
23:43 / 31.10.03
Hating you is my business.
01:25 / 01.11.03
Polyhatery is so last month already. I've moved on from that and now practise universal disdain*.

However, I'm sure my universal disdain is also not the cutting edge in loathing - mere loathing, by the way, is prehistoric.

*Except you. Oh yes, I like you!
10:39 / 01.11.03
Trix, I think a polyamory thread is a fantastic idea - would you like to start it? As a critique both of standard modes of sexual organisation, and a way to have lots of naughties, it's a winner.
8===>Q: alyn
13:27 / 01.11.03
Haus, will you fuck me?
14:38 / 01.11.03
(channelling inner Jim Goad)- I hate online flirting.

And I really hate those MOTHERFUCKERS who keep LETTING OFF FIREWORKS outside MY FUCKING HOUSE and SCARING THE CRAP OUT OF my dog, who quite frankly doesn't deserve that kind of SHIT.

21:47 / 01.11.03
Isn't polyamory one of the wombles?

I was reading private eye today, and there was a letter from a woman who said she absolutely had to get pvc windows fitted as, despite the fact she was willing to pay handsomely, no-one was willing to paint her windowframes. She blamed this on the fact that everyone has degrees now and people all feel they're too good to paint windows for a living.

I hate people like that. There's several things in there that just make me want to kill. Aggh.
21:54 / 01.11.03
and what, she's too good to learn how to paint them herself?

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