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100 Greatest Scary Moments


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14:09 / 26.12.03
Don't know if this counts but the film Dead Calm always gives me the fear. Where Sam Neil is exploring the other boat and the rigging comes flying towards him, they had to drag me down off the cealing. And then there's what he finds on board.
Oh yeah and Signs, yup you know you're being manipulated, but at that moment it all comes through anyway. Think the moment with the woman in the old prison in The Sixth Sense is also one that gave me the fear. Pity Signs wasn't actually that good really.
06:30 / 05.01.04
Spoilers, if anyone cares.

Scariest moment for me at the movies was a japanese suspence/horror called Hypnosis. A tv screen is playing in a dark lit room, night time. The main detective guy has just figured out them ominous message hidden in the interogation video of a ever so slightly disturbed mutiple personality girl. He turns off the tv and stares at the blank screen. After about fifteen seconds, we realize he's not alone in the room, as we are shown that said crazy girl is at the back of the room in the reflection of the blank tv screen .

Good fun.
10:43 / 05.01.04
i bought the miller 'whistle and i'll come to you' dvd for the she-me this christmas, woo! very nicely scary, real restraint and detail. hoarden's almost dialogue-free performance is amazing. mumble mumble.

the final payoff moment isn't as nasty as the second-fright but one, where we actually spend some time inside the professor's dream and see the 'who' chasing him...the word 'wraith' has never made more sense.

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