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How drunk am I?

01:21 / 25.10.03
Well it's 3@25 in the morning for me and I've been out to pub and etcc somce tea time, so I challange you noe, how drunk am I??????
01:51 / 25.10.03
Well, I can type when I'm drunk. It may take me a while, but everything gets spelt correctly. Mind you, it's only ten to eleven here.
Murray Hamhandler
02:35 / 25.10.03
Yes. I can do this, too. My typing is unaffected by drink. Let me ingest some PCP and see how that works...
Baz Auckland
02:53 / 25.10.03
when i've been drinking i do spell a lot of words wrong.. but I usuallyt take the time to go back and correct them. I usually dispel with piunctuation and capitals to make it easier...
04:42 / 25.10.03
Bah! It's harder to type when you're really high. You're more inclined to ramble on, it's harder to stay on topic, you indulge in long metaphors that you usually spend more time explaining than you would getting the idea across without any metaphor in the first place, and finally you attempt to proofread only to realize you've written a page and a half that started as a simple pendantic critique of someone's grammar and ended comparing George Washington to an apple. So then you delete it and try to make it seem like you're not high, but what's left isn't any fun and you realize you were pretty much just wasting 1's and 0's to begin with, so you abort the whole affair. And it's always easy to spot the topics that get started this way. They have titles with strange demands, like "Anyone who ends a song with a sus4 chord should be shot immediately" with "discuss!" as a topic abstract.

I've been trying to become more of a drinker. I had to stop for a few years (medicinal reasons), but am now anxious to explore the world of beer. I spurned it in my drinking days because I was young and wouldn't drink anything if it didn't get me drunk in the span of a single Simpson's episode.
07:02 / 25.10.03
It's about um 9am and I've been out all night clubbing in brixton, haven't been to sleep yet, my eyes are barely able to stay open, and I've consumed a quantity of a drug reputed to cause ill co-ordination, yet as an experiemtn I seem to be able to type fairly well. "How drunk, or otherwise, am I?"
22:14 / 25.10.03
I've ended up alone in the house, and thought I'd drink a coupla gladsses of wine and wtch a mvie and eat pizaa etc. Hpw drunk am I?:
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:49 / 25.10.03

coupla bottles of wine and much good talk... fab friend who reminds me of me why i *love* my friends so much. she is amaaaaaaaxzinng...

how drunk am I?
23:28 / 13.12.03
How drunk am I?

I shan't go back and correvt any mistales. You tell me, an I drunk or not?
23:32 / 13.12.03
I think that's a clear vote for drunk then. (And I did go back and correct this.)

The original read: I think that'd a cler vote for drunk them. Which is kind of weird because it does actually read drunk.
02:17 / 14.12.03
I bet none of you can tell how drunk I am.

I've said it before, but either I can type and spell perfectly, or I'm on the floor going "pbbbbtttt". There is no in-between. It's convenient sometimes and at other times causes problems, like when people assume I meant what I said.
03:27 / 14.12.03
I rarely post sober.
So yes, I'm fucked off about the fact that I've stayed awake ALL BASTARD NIGHT to finish Deus Ex, and am now too drunk to actually complete it. BALLS! I just bought Knights of the Old Republic as well, and I'm intent on finishing Deus Ex before that kicks in.
04:15 / 14.12.03
Straightedge for life.

How drunk am I?
Red Cross Iodized Salt
05:13 / 14.12.03
I'min s frinds apartment and we'bv been clebrating s frheidns birthday in a bar. I think wre all pretty drunk
Red Cross Iodized Salt
05:13 / 14.12.03
I'min s frinds apartment and we'bv been clebrating s frheidns birthday in a bar. I think wre all pretty drunk
Red Cross Iodized Salt
08:00 / 14.12.03
I'm a little less drunk now. Perhaps some deleting of posts would be in order.
Cherry Bomb
08:12 / 14.12.03
Quadruple posting probably indicates a fair amount of drunkenness...
08:54 / 14.12.03
As does the "Reason" field reading "dupilcate"!

Go there, Saltster!
Red Cross Iodized Salt
18:01 / 14.12.03
Fair enough...

Paying for it now, by the way.
Bed Head
22:17 / 25.12.03
I’ll revive this thread now just, to proove to all and sundry how utterly compis mentis I am
23:10 / 25.12.03
Sorry, I don't even know if I have been drunk before and I only drink coke at pub. So I have no idea hoe drunk u are. Excuse me for the fly in. But I'm trying to give the type of conversation here.
20:49 / 28.12.03
I'm haing fun with a friens roadband onetion as my fuckin ISP deided to ut off my connection. fair doos, there was excessive usage, but if a compan markets their produt as 24/7 then thy should be prepared to accept users who push the boundaries (such as myself....)

rock on rebel warrior, roopy butt begone.
10:05 / 30.12.03
Mid Life Crisis?

I know the attraction of Big Brother, for me anyway. It's people living simple lives. Everything is in hand, they are being taken care of, cocooned, sheltered. They don't have to worry about losing their house, their business, their family, their friends. It might seem like they suffer if they fail a task but they, and we, know that, really, they are not about to be allowed to starve to death or end up in a sleeping bag in the parks around the city. Whatever the city.

Rambling onto other topics? never!

I am 42. Six years ago I started commuting to England from Australia to spend time with a girl I met online. I don't earn enough to do that. This year I stopped doing that after pushing things a bit too far, six months too far to be precise. OK, perhaps 4 months too far, the first two months were fun. Anyway, the end result of this self indulgent behaviour was that I lost most of my business, all of my family, the only girlfriend I've had in the last decade, and two cats. I almost lost my house, my car and lots of other useful things along the way as well. Five months later I am still pawning my belongings to keep the power on and the phone ringing.

Here, however, is the surprising thing. The thing that makes this not another one of my whines about my life. I'm fine! I still have a house, I still have a business, I have a new cat, I still have the friends worth keeping and I can still freak out my 80 year old Greek neighbour named Penelope by wandering nakedly around my back garden. I still have drugs to smoke and whisky to drink. I've got an herb garden and a crop of dope plants.

I also have at my disposal, a breathalyser.

How drunk AM I?

(Trebor, you are VERY drunk!)
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