Beware of the Curse upon He Who Breaks The Seal
Ah yes, Xoc, ol' 'bottom buster' hirself, The Candlemaker. I remember the morning ze set off to see what lies beneath the layers of code, opinion and news in The Switchboard. With crumbling ancient text in hand, that adventuresome scamp walked blithely into Barbe-blivion. It's best not to test the lip of the 'lith. The descent into nothingness where non-archived and tempestuous posts and topics go proved more than ol' 'maker could handle, it would appear. That was going on thirty years ago. No one's seen that intrepid interloper since. Though there are those who here tell of strange fiber-optic moans that travel through abandoned data-lines to this very day. If you listen real close, you'll sometimes hear the packet-switch of that long-gone fiction-suit still rattling around these parts. But don't follow those chittering dung beetle echos, for the stolen beards hide sinister smiles.
Godz, I need sleep. |