Spyder's list of hair colours and their effect, in Spyder's experience:
Blondes: Always grab people's attention, but as a general type, has the least substance. A lot of blondes- both male and female- think they're more attractive than they really are, and a lot of people agree with them, so maybe it's just me. Never dated a blonde, myself.
Light-Brown: Of which Spyder is. Light-browns are rather indistinguishable in a crowd, no one pays attention to them for their hair colour. Excellent colour if you're a ninja or a spy. Never dated a light-brown myself, but again, I am one.
Brunettes: Again, no one pays attention to brunettes for their hair colour. Are usually smarter than blondes, in my experience. Dated mostly brunettes, I really don't know why. Currently with one, actually.
Red-Heads: Red Heads are usually smart, but they (warning, stereotype coming through!) are almost always demanding. They like getting exactly what they want. And they like getting it now. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, gingerbop . Dated one red-head in my time.
Okay, so that's not every hair colour ever, but it's the basics. Someone can add to my list if they want. Or you can complain about it and say I'm wrong. Whatever. |