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Do blondes have more fun?

07:07 / 24.10.03
I've had my hair every single colour under the sun (apart from green, I hate green!) and I've noticed that I get treated differantly depending on the colour.

When I had red hair everyone kept telling me I was "Sassy", when I had dark hair everyone suddenly took everything I said seriously (too seriously sometimes) and now I'm platinum blonde nobody seems to expect me to do any carrying or thinking for myself.

Has anyone else noticed this?
07:58 / 24.10.03
Don't worry your pretty little head about it.
Tryphena Absent
08:30 / 24.10.03
Yeah, when I had braids all the boys wanted to fuck me and everyone assumed I boycotted petrol stations all the time than I got rid of them and everyone started to patronise me again. Fucking hair.
09:18 / 24.10.03
I've got black hair again now. Aparently it makes me look younger. That's a GOOD thing.
Dunno... spent about ten years growing dreads I could sit on... that got every REACTION under the sun.

Probably the weirdest hair reaction recently, though, was when I had the Bagpuss hair (which I think I must do again, cos it was ace) and a massive pissed guy came up to me in a shop, all threatening, like, and said "What's with the fucking pink in your hair?" Looming, he was. Looming and tensed. Fight-or-flight reflexes were fucking with my nervous system.

I figured there was no point lying, so I said "I'm a big fan of Bagpuss."

His face softened, even broke into a grin, as he said "Oh, I remember! When Bagpuss goes to sleep, all his friends go to sleep!" Then he shook my hand, said "Fucking cool, mate!" and left. Even the woman behind the counter looked surprised and relieved.

I stopped shaking about half an hour later. I don't do confrontation well.
10:43 / 24.10.03
Heh heh, cracking story Stoatie. Are there any pics of this hair knocking about that you could link to?

I've had sensible young man's hair, long girly brown hair, back-combed hair, no hair at all, black hair in a long bob sort of thing, henna hair and sensible dad hair, and every time I've been treated like a complete f---ing joke by everyone I've encountered (EXCEPT old ladies, who will always talk nicely to me at bus stops). So I must assume it's my face.
10:55 / 24.10.03
EXCEPT old ladies, who will always talk nicely to me at bus stops

I've been conducting a study into this. If I walk about on my own, I'm generally ignored. If I walk about with a dog, old ladies and children flock to pet her. If I walk about with a beer, people cross the road to avoid me. If I walk around with a dog AND a beer, the beer is negated and the "dog effect" wins through.
I generally find that old ladies will be as nice or as nasty to you as they would whatever you looked like. They seem to be the last people to judge purely on appearances.

Bagpuss hair photos have I none- other 'lithers may have, and I'm pretty sure lilly does, as 'twas she who did the Bagpuss hair for me (and without ever having seen Bagpuss before she did a perfect job). But Bagpuss hair I shall have again soon, I swear it (apologies for my bizarre mode of speech- I've been playing Warcraft 3 since about 8 this morning) and then the photos shall flow like the blood of my enemies!!!
11:46 / 24.10.03
I've seen a bagpuss (pink) hair picture of you somewhere Stoatie, wasn't it in the pictures thread - there was a link to a photo of you at Bugjam wasn't there?

*Goes away to look through pictures thread*

Here it is! Aren't you glad you've got me to remember where your pictures are and trawl through that thread to find them for you...
14:46 / 24.10.03
I'm actually finding the blonde hair quite useful. People's expectations of my intelligence are so very low I can't fail to impress. On the other hand women who don't trust their boyfriends are generally very wary of me. And all because of my hair colour!

I used to work as a model for a guy at Vidal Sassoon, basically means you get a free haircut and colour but it's done in front of an audience and you get no choice on what you end up looking like.

I got some really wacky hairstyles then, but because they were up-to-the-minute trendy I still seemed to be taken seriously. The kids I worked with loved them!
15:09 / 24.10.03
Stoatie> That's interesting stuff. I've been trying for ages to figure out why it is that no bugger will give me an inch on the pavement, so maybe I need to start carrying around a can of beer.

Olulabelle> Superb detective work there, thank you.

Now I think about it, I reckon stubble makes more of a difference in my case than 'head' hair. Er, upper head hair. Non chin hair. People are less likely to sit next to me on the bus if I am unshaven than if I am, erm, shaven.
ibis the being
19:32 / 24.10.03
Have had the same haircut for a year but started bleaching it 6 mo ago. While light-brown-haired, I seemed to be nearly invisible everywhere I went. As a blonde, I can barely walk one block or to the ladies room in a bar without several leers and/or comments. Definitely a big difference. I like how it looks, though, and just ignore any rude advances, so I've kept the color.
05:04 / 25.10.03
While light-brown-haired, I seemed to be nearly invisible everywhere I went.

That's how it goes. Thanks to this effect, I would have the most easily ignored hair possible if it weren't for the fact that it's thicker, softer, finer and more perfect than you or anybody you know.

I don't even know what kind of shampoo I use. It might be hand sanitizer.

My hair is long enough to almost reach my shoulders, so I get mistaken for a woman alot. My slight frame and somewhat androgynous face don't help.
15:11 / 25.10.03
The other day, 2 drunken men passed me in the street, and shouted something offensive or crude at me, I cant remember what. I told them to get a fucking life. And they then discussed amoungst themself that no wonder I'd told them that, what with a red-head temperament, and suchlike.

Some people speak to me like im thick, others like i dont exist, and some like im a 2nd class citizen. Most of the time, it doesnt particuarly bother me, cause it's normally just neds and dickheads who do, but then occasionally I'll get really pissed off about it, and i'll usually start screaming at them. So perhaps the stereotype is right.

But anyway.. the what's your kink thread made me all happy
Spyder Todd 2008
16:01 / 25.10.03
Spyder's list of hair colours and their effect, in Spyder's experience:

Blondes: Always grab people's attention, but as a general type, has the least substance. A lot of blondes- both male and female- think they're more attractive than they really are, and a lot of people agree with them, so maybe it's just me. Never dated a blonde, myself.

Light-Brown: Of which Spyder is. Light-browns are rather indistinguishable in a crowd, no one pays attention to them for their hair colour. Excellent colour if you're a ninja or a spy. Never dated a light-brown myself, but again, I am one.

Brunettes: Again, no one pays attention to brunettes for their hair colour. Are usually smarter than blondes, in my experience. Dated mostly brunettes, I really don't know why. Currently with one, actually.

Red-Heads: Red Heads are usually smart, but they (warning, stereotype coming through!) are almost always demanding. They like getting exactly what they want. And they like getting it now. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, gingerbop . Dated one red-head in my time.

Okay, so that's not every hair colour ever, but it's the basics. Someone can add to my list if they want. Or you can complain about it and say I'm wrong. Whatever.
18:07 / 25.10.03
I never noticed getting stereotyped by my hair, but then the most radical changes were when I was a student and it's kind of expected. It has been darkish brown, bleach blond, bright red and then pinky, and is now brown once more.

I did notice that my hair colour effects how my face looks. I don't really like my brown hair for that reason. It makes me notice all the darker patches on my skin, like bags under eyes or tiny marks. Blond was great and generally made my face look more friendly, but red was the best. I had cherry red hair for about 4-6 months and it was brilliant.
at the scarwash
21:30 / 25.10.03
Generally sporting the no-hair look, due to the awkward onset of male-pattern baldness, I occasionally, from a certain angle and in a certain light, get taken for a nazi. Usually this is in the dark, at a bus stop, where interactions with a variety of persons who might not particularly enjoy proximity to a racist skinhead are frequent. This can be uncomfortable, but tensions are usually defused by "No, I'm not a skin; I'm just bald." On the other hand, for some reason I get taken for (very slightly) rough trade quite frequently, but I don't know if that has anything to do with my hairlessness.
22:39 / 25.10.03
Green hair: Got mocked a lot. It was annoying, especially since it was a damn fine color on me.

Black hair: Got looked at suspiciously.

Brown hair (natural color): Everyone thought I was wholesome.

Orange hair: Shock and awe, for the seven hours I had it.

Blonde hair: Everyone wondered why my hair clashed with my face.

So now, I have red hair. It doesn't look too far fetched, given my natural pallor, and now everyone assumes I'm a hellcat and/or evil. That may have more to do with my bad temper and snarling threats, but they seem to tie it to the hair color. Or maybe the dye has poisoned my brain and eaten away at the patience center, and the part containing any and all knowledge about neurobiology.

I envy people with naturally white hair. It's just so nifty.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
23:27 / 25.10.03
I haven't had a LOT of hair color change but when I was a redhead (and I'm male and my natural hair color is dark brown with more gray every day), I found people took me less seriously. Now, it's harder to have a dry wit, because with graying hair, I'm thought of as an "authority".

BTW, if you are female and have red hair I will stereotype you. I will think that you are intelligent, charming and anything else that will predispose you to think highly of me.
00:25 / 26.10.03
Now, it's harder to have a dry wit, because with graying hair, I'm thought of as an "authority".

Wouldn't that make it easier?
Mourne Kransky
01:17 / 26.10.03
I may die of envy thinking about Stoatie's Bagpuss hair. Mine is short and now entirely grey! *sigh* Grey = wouldn't want to shag it but it knows so many interesting stories.
03:41 / 26.10.03
When I was a redhead (it almost looked natural) people seemed to give me a bit more room/latitude; now that my hair is short and vaguely punkish and (naturally) dark brown I'm not quite sure what the general reaction is. (I guess that means that I'm not getting any reactions I don't expect...)

I've never done blonde or black hair; don't think my skin tone could carry either color.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
12:31 / 26.10.03
No, it doesn't make it easier, Mazarine...people actually take me seriously now. Fools. Bwa-ha-ha!
betty woo
01:17 / 28.10.03
My hair has only been its original color for about four months during the last 17 years, and most of friends were shocked and confused by the change. It's been red so long that people seem to believe that's my natural color, despite the obvious change in shade every two months, as I forget what I used to dye it the last time.

As a blonde, I got more overt attention from men; as a redhead, I get more interesting attention.

Black hair resulted in far too many "are you okay? you look a little ill" comments, because it drains my face to a near-death pasty white.

Flame-red hair was exhausting to keep up with. People seemed to expect huge energy and crazy antics from me *all the time*.

Purple is one of my favorite hair colors, although I did experience a fair bit of stereotyping as young/inexperienced. Most fun I had with hair color was nine months of working for the government (on a Catholic youth project, no less) - people would be impressed with my work when they'd just dealt with me via phone/email, and utterly confused once they saw the hair.
Lilly Nowhere Late
05:56 / 28.10.03
I love how although many of the Barbelith nation claim to dislike
hairdressers, the topic of hair and all its glory is such a regularly explored
All I can say about hair colour is that it is the way to totally change one`s
life nearly instantly. I do it all the time to others, being that it is how I earn
my ill gotten gains. I love it. Nevermind surgeons and other doctor types playing
god... I`ve got everyones world in my hands. Let`s all thank the stars or somesuch that
I have a very healthy respect for my talents and the personal will of my clients.
Stoatie: You need to have your`s done again! Soon!
21:34 / 28.10.03
On eternal schmendrick non-haired theme, I suggest (knowing that its off-topic) that everyone shaves their hair down to a number 2, and see what reaction you get then. Its wonderful. Arseholes shout abuse at you (thats the girls toilets, you trani), nice people have a lot of respect for you. I'll do mine again when/after Im 18- cause it made me look quite young.
09:07 / 25.11.03
Today I was asked if I was in an amateur dramatics society because my hair colour had changed.
ibis the being
12:36 / 25.11.03
I just made like an oak and went brown again for the winter. While my beau was "a little shocked" by the change, NO ONE else even noticed. Not even my family. Maybe I do have powers of invisibility??
12:50 / 25.11.03

A couple of years ago my friend's (red-headed) two year old daughter had one of the worst tantrums ever in the sandwich shop where I was working part time. The woman who owned the shop looked at me and sighed that it was the red hair, I said that no, I think more likely it's because she's two, which she laughed at and told me very clearly that it was the hair.
Goodness Gracious Meme
20:03 / 25.11.03
i miss my (poppy red, according to the pot) red hair/red streaks/blondish-ginger streaks. have had some variation on this for years.

(have been 'ordered' by parents to leave it natural until after i get back from india, as people will think i'm really weird. *g* )

Tend hereabouts to get quite alot of attention when it's bright red, which is odd, as it's a town full of hair dye fanatics.

To the point of meeting people who've said, 'oh yeah, i know you/see you round town, you're the girl with the red hair, aren't you?'

Possibly it's the Asian coluring/dyed hair thing. usually from people telling me it looks cool.

I like this. i'm an introverted showoff

Without it i feel bland (natural hair colour=black) and as far as i'm aware, am reasonably invisible.

But come the new year i'm off to Toni and Guy for some 'experimental colouring', waheyyy

But red really works on me, maybe i'm stroppy etc...

(incidentally, 'scientific research' suggests that there's a high preponderance of natural/dyed redheads amongst the Bi community. make of that what you will.)
Jack Vincennes
06:16 / 26.11.03
Without it i feel bland (natural hair colour=black) and as far as i'm aware, am reasonably invisible.

I thought this about my hair for ages, and as a result just kept dying it often enough that I could never really see what my roots looked like -but I've not dyed it for the last year and and as a result have noticed that my natural hair colour isn't that bad. Still kind of miss having people say "Ooooooh, your hair's a different colour! Cool!" on a regular basis. And, I was usually dying my hair red and as close to black as I could get away with... It's a good combination!
08:23 / 26.11.03
Today I was asked if I was in an amateur dramatics society because my hair colour had changed.

Reminds me of the time I turned up at my Dad's office having just had my hair dyed and cut into a tank girl style by the guy I used to model for. My dad's writing partner looked up and drolled "ah, you must be the theatrical one!"
08:32 / 26.11.03
Found this article.....


Very interesting and I have to say I find the thought of bleach kits "Just for little girls" quite disturbing.
14:30 / 26.11.03
Wow what a fascinating link!

I think something must have gone wrong with me, though, because I've never felt any pressure to lighten my hair (it's naturally very dark brown, often people think it's black). When I have lightened my hair it feels wrong and has a major impact on how I feel about myself.

Now it's going grey at an alarming rate (I'm only 26!) and I put semi permanent dye on it. I only use semi permanent because I want to be able to tell how much grey there is - in the past I have said the when it gets to about 50% I'll go blonde. Whether I'll still feel that way when it happens is another matter.

Regarding hair texture, naturally my hair is quite curly, but I have straightened it almost every day with straighteners for the past couple of years and blow dried it straight before that because it's a lot easier. When I leave it natural, people don't treat me differently as such (that I've noticed) but they are more inclined to make spurious guesses about my ethnicity which are almost always wrong.
salix lucida
14:50 / 26.11.03

Silveryblonde (natural) - I think "geeky glasses" cancels out the "stupid blonde" effect, because I got the same level of serious treatment as any other female in CS at my university (less than the guys, but not horrendously bad) when I didn't bother with dyeing it, but I got a bit of condescension from random customer service people and such when I was out and about.

with purple or blue streaks - generally positive "ooh, that's nifty" even from fairly conservative family, friends, and bystanders. Slightly less condescension.

completely purple -- standoffish, tsk-y, "what does your mother think?"
My mother liked it, though she made me promise it'd be back to its natural colour for my university graduation. The guys at the hardware store stopped asking me if I needed help with anything.

black with blue streaks (current) -- aside from occasional questions about what the natural colour is, it's back to the generally positive "nifty" reaction. I think it's because it seems just a little bit off, a little bit creative or rebellious, without going all out. Eccentric within the realm of comfortable conformity, around here. My mother hates it, but that's because the black makes me look like mi'dad. The guys at the hardware store still leave me alone.

Unfortunately, I've started having allergic reactions to a few brands of the permanent black dye, so I'll be going through some lighter colours on its way back to natural. Pity it'd look awful red.
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