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Hoon in Pointless 'we may be attacked at [i]some[/i] point in the future' outburst

Our Lady of The Two Towers
15:24 / 20.03.02
"Nobody is planning to do anything to us, but we must bomb anyone Bush tells us to in case at some point in the future they change their mind."


An extremely cowardly form of politics, basically trying to justify current or near-future policy on the basis of far future events. And likely of becoming a self-fulfilling prophesy too.
Not Here Still
16:12 / 20.03.02
Well fuck it, if we're doing that, then why not bomb every country on the face of the earth?

You never know, do you? Why not hit the bastards before they make the first move?

Of course, as Christopher Hitchens pointed out today, some of the US's plans may be even worse than this...

The whole thing was rammed home to me the other night, at one of those Washington dinner parties where one of those national-security suits was banging on.

Iraq would be invaded in strength, he was saying, and then we would have proof of the Nazi character of the regime because it would try to unleash horror weapons against Israel and... at that point my wife broke in rather softly to say: "You mean - we would be bringing it on?"

That wasn't exactly the way the suit would have phrased it, but he said quite calmly, "Yes. We would be bringing it on."
17:56 / 20.03.02
quote:Iraq would be invaded in strength, he was saying, and then we would have proof of the Nazi character of the regime because it would try to unleash horror weapons against Israel and... at that point my wife broke in rather softly to say: "You mean - we would be bringing it on?"

That wasn't exactly the way the suit would have phrased it, but he said quite calmly, "Yes. We would be bringing it on."

I couldn't help thinking, when I was reading that, "where's realpolitik when you need it?" I guess this just illustrates that some people aren't interested in saving lives, they're interested in being proved right.
m. anthony bro
18:50 / 20.03.02
If Britain is going to bomb every country that the US tells it, it's no fuckin' wonder they're going to be attacked, really.[/LIST]
20:02 / 20.03.02
Jesus. It's shit like that that makes ME want to attack us.
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