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Who would win in a mental fight - derren brown or david blaine?

11:03 / 23.10.03
both top class entertainers, tricksters, and readers / manipulators of people, get them together and see who can out think and out read the other, or just get them to play a few hands of poker maybe

but who would win?

have to say my money is brown but maybve that is just because my wife fancies blaine and i think he is too full of himself and is getting a bit messianic, but also because browns recent russian roulette show was wonderful and showed an uncanny ability to read people, but i wonder how he would get on against someone who is hip to his tricks andwho is simultaneoulsy trying to dummy him or turn the tables

A Bigger Boat
12:22 / 25.10.03
Derren Brown knocks Blaine into a rather large, perspex cocked hat.

No contest.
The Strobe
17:07 / 25.10.03
Penn and Teller would come in and turn it into a Royal Rumble style thing, opening a can of whoop-ass until Siegfried and Paul Daniels came in. And unleashed the Wizbit.
06:58 / 26.10.03
Nah, Paul Zenon would leave them both looking silly and pop down the pub with us afterwards.
08:10 / 29.10.03
Jerry Sadowitz would already be in the pub entertaining the crowd with tricks and patter.
But Derren does laugh in the face of Blaine if that's the comparison.
09:54 / 29.10.03
is it just that he is fitter and still has his own hair that makes blain more bankable than brown then? must admit that i am more totally staggered by browns act (and i'm a clincal psycholgist and still don't have a clue how he does it, must have missed that lecture) and quite like his patter, also think he could ring rings round most people mentally

also blain seems to be beginning to take his powers seriously and is hanging out with uri gellar from what i've read, which can't be a good thing

i suppose at the end of the day tommy coopers dada powers would wipe the floor with them all though - 'spoon, bottle, bottle spoon'

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