I think:
1. there are so many other things to do. I don't for a minute think that means kids playing softball on the beach with dad or mum pimping them down the local pub but, you're right cusm. With videos, dvd's, gameboys, playstations, and the old virtual life itself, there are many other ways to get square eyed without watching the same old diet on tv. Those options are much more individual too, allowing endless personal choice. TV is all predicated upon mass markets all viewing the same shows at the same times.
2. I gave up cable and the huge theoretical choice that gave me when I moved to London. I've only had four terrestrial channels ever since and that has been fine (except for new Sopranos, 6 Feet Under and West Wing on E4, and maybe some of the obscure, arty stuff on minority channels). No sitting all day watching Sex-In-The-City-thons on cable. Now I switch it on for a show and then switch it off. Or record stuff to watch later.
3. I gather there's a lot more available in the US these days without an expensive cable package (according to something I read in the Guardian the other day). Maybe that means greater audience spread and fewer must-see shows. A lot of the giants (in critical and viewing figures terms) are winding down or have gone altogether.
Of course, I'm out a lot more in London than I was in Edinburgh, and I've been reading a lot more. I think there is still a lot of mileage in the notion that tv just sucks, by and large, too. |