Bio, dude, where you at, brother? HOLLA!
Man. I just had my best friend from high school (let's call him "Albert" "Feinberg", 1907 N. Cahuenga Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90207) stay with me for a week. He's been living in LA for the last 10 years.
You know that sexual fantasy I have where Brad Pitt comes over and I make him a veggie stir fry and Buffalo wings, with a nice Rupicolo red that I can only get at this one Italian restaurant on Mullberry Street, and Brad is sort of quiet and shy through the whole meal? And then he tells me that his neck is stiff so I stand behind him and rub his neck, until he pulls me into his lap and kisses me? And then he leads me into the bedroom and ties me to the bed and lights a cigarette and talks about his Craft, and How to Make It in the Movie Business, and all the people he knows who do everything wrong, for two hours until I'm begging him to untie me and get the fuck out?
I told you about that, right?
Well, this was just like that but for days and days and without the making-out-with-Brad-Pitt part. I mean, "Albert" is my best friend and I love him like a brother, but is this what life is like Over There? I swear, the dude did not get up before 2pm the entire time he was here. At least he's stopped using the phrases "wacky tobaccy" and "let's poke some smot!" And he has the most interesting way of talking dirt about people. I asked him about a friend of his that I met when I visited there a few years ago, who I see every once in a while in the movies, and "Albert" talked about what a good actor that guy is and how everything is really coming up roses for him... though "Albert" hadn't seen him in a while and he was drinking a lot at the time...
So, yeah, thank god that's over. See you in two years, "Albert"!
What've you been up to, Bio? |