try: headfuckunpredictablejapaneseavantgardehardcor enoisementalismliketheentirehistoryofamplified musiccompressedinto8seconds,atomisedandrandom lyreassembled..
and so on. Basically I think they sound like rock music from some hyperevolved intergalactic future civilization where everybody thinks at ten times the speed that humans do. Without question one of the most extraordinary bands ever to exist on our planet, anyway.
The Mean Fiddler is next to the Astoria, which is... as usual I know how to get there on foot but am utterly at a loss as to how to translate it into words..
try: it's on the street that's opposite the big centrepoint thingy.. not directly opposite the front of it you understand, but, er; assume you're walking out of the front entrance of the centrepoint thingy, ok? Turn left, cross the big road and you're on the corner of the street what it is on, just walk down a bit.
Giving directions isn't exactly my strong point.
Tottenham Court Road tube anyway.
I don't think I know of any nice drinking places nearby, but as I still know fuck all about London geography, that proabably means there are loads.
I'll hopefully be arriving sometime during the afternoon and meeting up with a friend of mine who's also going anyway..
What a confused post. |