you're still welcome to have some Spahgatti on the Playa next year . . .
I think your spok'n werd may have a greater effect when heard . . . terd

with 20-30 thousand people camping out in the desert durring he burningman week(s) the only real generalization that anyone can honestly apply to the Majority is that they're aware that "the man" burns . . . generally. Any other generalization is more like self created fiction, a popular pass-time on the playa.
cretonian . . . ?
try creatinin:
\Cre*at"i*nin\ (kr?-?t"?-n?n), n. (Physiol. Chem.) A white, crystalline, nitrogenous body closely related to creatin but more basic in its properties, formed from the latter by the action of acids, and occurring naturally in muscle tissue and in urine. |