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12:33 / 20.10.03
Of course it was fridgemagent who made everything work, and I can only imagine how much of a pain I've been in asking him for so much help. The final product has arrived. taking the cyber to the streets

Come visit and show your support for your favorite little Ragel. Comment on my Burning Man article- the more flames the better!

Oh ya, and you're all welcome to free email addys. "Why would I want a 42012 email addy?" you may be asking. Let's just say that there are times when you wanna be silly and ridiculous to people. I don't care *who* you email with that thing.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
16:58 / 20.10.03
What if I want to be converted into a Brave Little Toaster, like the one in the Disney movie?

I'd be a very good little toaster.
17:20 / 20.10.03
But, I am already an alien mutant cyborg. What do I do now Rage? think I am joking...heh
Less searchable M0rd4nt
13:01 / 21.10.03
So... you like this festival, but you get a bit bored of people who go on about the festival all the time?

I'm not sure I can handle this much controversy.
Mr Tricks
16:33 / 21.10.03
So um... rage... what else did you contribute to the participation on the playa beyond
"I went up to recite my own(spoken word) and made a complete fool out of myself: talk about cracking! "

and what seperates that from someone elses "the structured psychedelic lecture this pompous asshole was giving"?

What makes one sort of spoken word "better" than another?

And was "Mental Darwinism" the extent of your "intense spiritual awakening?"

I'll be at Spaghatti Western in 2004... drop by for a meal and let me know...
19:53 / 27.10.03
I cracked because there was someone who kicked Huge Freakin Ass at spoken word like I'd never seen before, and I was in utter shock. I consider this a good thing.

The rest of your stuff is just bait. Go fishing in the pond of your own bullshit, you trim trotting flim plotting cretonian with a causual effectoid generation piss machine. Abort thyself by thy will of thy Porta-Potty. Thou shalt seek treasures in thy wretched bowel movements before thy Dawn hits your Basic Programming.

Mordant, the majority of people at Burning Man do find this type of talk controversial. You should go next year.
Mr Tricks
21:58 / 27.10.03
you're still welcome to have some Spahgatti on the Playa next year . . .

I think your spok'n werd may have a greater effect when heard . . . terd

with 20-30 thousand people camping out in the desert durring he burningman week(s) the only real generalization that anyone can honestly apply to the Majority is that they're aware that "the man" burns . . . generally. Any other generalization is more like self created fiction, a popular pass-time on the playa.

cretonian . . . ?

try creatinin:
\Cre*at"i*nin\ (kr?-?t"?-n?n), n. (Physiol. Chem.) A white, crystalline, nitrogenous body closely related to creatin but more basic in its properties, formed from the latter by the action of acids, and occurring naturally in muscle tissue and in urine.
gotham island fae
22:01 / 27.10.03
So when does the AcidJoy-CoreRage tritonic cronic tonic create the sonic on its wired up and slathered down self-luvin BE. ZE? Seems that twixt you and US and them and those who haven't spoke-n up who WILL there could be a ***NEW*** (blast!) circle of cycles and tri-timed haikuz.
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