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Suede's topic of random rumblings.

23:04 / 19.10.03
I'm sure I had plenty to say the other day, but it seems to have just left my mind. Does anyone else have this trouble? if I don't write stuff down, or say it to someone or something, stuff just seems to dissapear. Maybe it was never important... but I'm sure I was thinking some really cool stuff.

Anyway, basically this thread is to put that stuff in. Whatever it is, just shove it in here. Something you wanted to say but didn't? Something that annoyed you you never told anyone about? Slap it in here. A cool idea, a silly idea, a warped idea? Anything really.

Anything marked "misc", that doesn't warrant a new thread, or even a reply to an old thread. Just to recognise a thought you had so it doesn't just go away. Let's ackownledge each other's thoughts!

I meant to do something along these lines the other day, but I never got around to it. In fact, the only reason I'm starting this topic now is because I was hoping some people could help me out with some cool phrases/sayings/mutterings that I could put in some thought bubbles on some drawings I'm planning to draw.

Phew. I guess this is a pretty roundabout way of doing that one specific thing. But I can't help it, I seem to have forgotten everything else right now.

And I really can't work out whether this is just lame, or will turn in to a real free for all conversation. So we'll see.
Jack Denfeld
23:32 / 19.10.03
Chris and Kenny go into Blockbuster to rent Roots, which is like 3 DVD's, because Chris is supposed to watch about half of it for some class he's taking. While this older black guy is ringing up the DVD Kenny tells Chris "At least you don't have to watch the whole thing.". The black guy looks up and says "At least you didn't have to live it." That was kinda funny.
07:01 / 20.10.03
I quite like the Libertines.
07:51 / 20.10.03
I just read that Road Warrior Hawk has died LOD Rocked when I was a young teen. Must be Monday.
12:58 / 20.10.03
don't forget to burn the evidence, don't forget to burn the evidence, don't forget to burn the evidence...
13:04 / 20.10.03
I am just a good observer with a fine mind.
13:12 / 20.10.03
I bought the Strokes new album earlier. I wanted it on vinyl, but apparently that's not till next Monday. Being rubbish with money and aetience I thought I'd buy it anyway. And then I played it a few times when I got home. All was well. But then I looked at the case, and lo and behold, the little things that hold the cd in place were breaking off. Three off them fell in to my hands! I hate that!! I've a good mind to take it back, I only buy things so I can feel like I "own" the actual thing. Damn them.

Being even worse with money, I spent too much today. Including £22 on some pencils, paper and brushes. Which I'm not sure I even need or if they're the right ones. I guess I'll make do, only to have about a month of not being able to draw/thinking I cannot draw/not being able to think of anything to draw and/or thinking of great things to draw and not being able to draw them properly. Exhausting eh?

But I did get myself a christmas present. (A dvd player and the royal tenenbaums to go with it. £55! I am at the forefront of technology! Maybe.)

My mind is overflowing with things I should be doing and things to do that are good ideas and might just work as well as things to do and see and get. But I'm sure in the end I'll just write a bunch of lists. ("List of dvds to get..." good lord it could bankrupt me.)

Pah, even this message turned out to be completely half hearted and not managing to say all the things I thought I might. Is there something wrong with me?

And bear: he was a wrestler right? With the big spikes? If it was... I remember him fondly... if not, I'm completely lost.
15:42 / 20.10.03
Q: What do they put in Heinz tomato soup to make it look so silky and metallic?

A: Dessicated robots' arses.

Q: Do robots need arses?

A: No, that is why they don't mind people putting them in soup.
15:48 / 20.10.03
Unfinished / unfunny gags that shouldn't be allowed out:

1. Something about James Bond being a pain in the arse because he
likes his tea with "two sugars - shaken, not stirred."

2. "Back of the Head Magazine", for bus passengers. Just like any other Chat/Heat style mag but with everyone in it photographed from behind (including the Celeb on the cover).

3. All instructions, manuals etc written in the 'What sort of lover are YOU?' magazine questionnaire format.

eg: The heating instructions on a tin of soup would read:

Do you prefer your soup:

a) piping hot
b) cold
c) lukewarm

Mostly A's: heat in a microwave oven at maximum power for 3 minutes
Mostly B's: Empty contents into a bowl and eat IMMEDIATELY


4. Onion style headline: 'Local man disappointed by response to
compilation tape' - "He's had a week to listen to it and all I've had
back is a 'thanks'"

5. Army versions of novels, where 'Sir!' is added to the end of every
sentence, in case an officer should happen to read it.

6. "Over the Shoulder" magazine, for bus passengers. Just like a normal mag, except that the most crucial bits of each article are obscured by pictures of ears, hats, side of head etc
16:01 / 20.10.03
Latest minor irritations:

1. People who are chuffed to have discovered a cock-up

2. People who bang on about "...when you're on your death bed..."

3. The fact that I'm always in the opposite mood to my pals. Is there a
finite sourse of joy? Do large clusters of joy particles attract joy away from others in same way that money attracts money?

4. The slender handset of the new phone in my office which must be picked up ever so gingerly, like a prudish spinster trying not to squeeze any cream out of the end of a generously filled chocolate eclair in front of a nervous new vicar.

5. People who approach the task of making a cup of tea with a slack

6. Expensive weddings and stag/hen dos.

7. "I wouldn't worry about it, you could get knocked down by a bus

Oh, so buses fall out of the sky at random, do they? Do your local bus drivers start their shift by manouvering their vehicles into the sling of a gigantic catapult? No, they bloody don't. The fact is that you can reasonably predict - using your skill and judgement - where they're going to be and do your best to avoid them. So that analogy only really holds for people who bumble across the road without looking, ie it is rubbish.
21:18 / 20.10.03
Saveloy, I love you.
12:34 / 08.11.03
Isn't it annoying when you're trying to tell someone why the matrix revolution sucks and they invoke donnie darko on yr ass? The low point of any film argument, you're trying to say why something is rubbish and vague, and out comes donnie darko - "you like that film, and that doesn't make any sense. I've studied relativity and I know." What?! Why must people always invoke the Donnie? Why is it that if you like this film you're only doing it be cool? Why would someone ever think that Matrix Rev. contains cienematography to me amazed by? Why indeed.

Music! I am overwhelmed my music at present, if I put a song on, almost instantly I'm thinking of other things I need to listen to, I need to listen to everything at once. Music is amazing, I need to listen to so much! I only just started listening to REM, and they're really good. Also: I've been checking out Jay Z's new stuff, which is really good, and seems to (for mainstream hip hop, I guess) break a lot of boundaries. Then there's the Fiery Furnaces (still only got two songs by them), new Fall, remembering how good Malkumus' newwest record is... so much. As well as all the stuff from flux's blog (which I often use to make many compilations).

Wu-Tang! They're so cute! That song you just posted a while ago flux? They're so cute! I love the image of them all living in a big house together (or seperate houses, I think it's what you said Fly). They should have their own sitcom. A really cheesy one. Albeit with gin and blunts. And kung fu.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:26 / 10.11.03
Yeah, they should have a house each, and each house is sorta colour coded or whatever to fit with the individual member - actually the slightly naff enhanced CD for their second album has that conceipt, as does the 'Pinky Ring' video... Anyway, they often have sleepovers where several or all of them stay in one house and watch Tears of the Black Tiger or whatever - I think this is actually pretty accurate if you've seen that Cribs where someone jumps over a swimming pool and then Raw doesn't jump over the pool because he'd need someone to toss him (don't tell the elf!), and Ghostface goes on about how looking at trees in the distance makes you think deep thoughts because they're green.
Tryphena Absent
13:31 / 10.11.03
What, lost the ability to PM?

Also, work is tedious and I want to go now.

Also, it seems to me that I've lost the ability to express what I actually mean when writing something down.

Also, uuuuuuurrrggghghhhhghgh
20:41 / 11.11.03
Fly: I can't help giggling to myself whenever I think of the Wu Tang in this way. Do you think if we write it, we can convince them to get it made? Or actually... maybe just stick them in a show like the Osbournes? I mean, it's all there for me as it is anyway. There's some reality tv I wanna see...

I watched happiness last night. I quite liked it, I was struck by how much it reminds me of a comic though. But I always get that with films. Didn't Dan Clowes do the artwork for this (posters/covers), anyway? Or did I just make that up. But my main point is ----- spoilers ----- Where the woman breaks that guys neck? I couldn't help thinking for ages after that "is it that easy to break someones neck?" And worried about how you could do that to someone accidentally. I don't know why it worried so much, but I didn't like it. So can someone please inform me that it's a lot harder than the film made it seem, as it bugs me. Hmph!

I just read my second invisibles book, "Entropy in the UK". The only one I'd read before was "Counting to None". I like them both a lot. I get a bit lost as to when things are happening. Entropy is the last collection, right? Liked it a lot, lovely use of comics. Not much to say really. Didn't really get the Mister Six issue, I don't think... or I did, but it felt like a chore after all the excitement. I dunno. Can someone give me a little bit of context?

Didn't Graham Norton used to be funny?

Does anyone else get vastly confused by having things to do, and get frustrated at not always being able to fully articulate the things they want to say? I mean.. lately I've often thought to myself that I just can't be bothered to try - explaining things to people, what I mean. And it bothers me a little, I like to be able to make sense, and have a point, but it seems to be alluding me. Eh, I dunno, anyone know what I (am trying to) mean?

Oh, and writing actually. I get you. Sparky.

(tee hee)
Saint Keggers
22:17 / 11.11.03
Art Carney just died. Ol' Ed Norton of Honeymooners fame. I am sad.
23:27 / 11.11.03
I never knew Elliott Smith had "KALI the destroyer" tattoed on his arm. WOuldn't have picked him for the type. I only half know what all that's about though.

Buffy! Three nights a week? Not bad, really. Reminds me of coming home from school, dinner front of telly, start of buffy creeping in to mind... wonderful. BBC making up for lack of buffy commitment.
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