The days of the bi-weekly treat are over for the moment. It's out November 19, according to the extraordinarily easily searched

"PLANET X" pt. 4 (of 5) The penultimate chapter in Grant Morrison's most ambitious story arc to date...Professor Xavier and his X-Men make their final stand against their most powerful foe!
I could've sworn there was a previous thread on this, but I couldn't find it, so I'll hold back my pedantic admonishments...
It looks to me like the cover might as well be the toothy, chain-filled jaws of Xorn clamped inexorably around Magneto's butt-cheeks, but I could be wrong.
They mentioned the whole world-map debate about the Mercator and the Peters Projection map on a West Wing re-run this week... I thought of Magneto as well, and wondered what he might think... |