Doeth he detherve better than mockery? Hmm, that'th a toughie. On the 'hooray' thide ith the fact that yeth, he'th thtood up to be counted, made hith voithe heard. On the 'hmmm' thide, he'th done tho now, when a) he'th not eckthactly rithking mathive public vilification qui-i-ite ath much ath he might've done had he mounted hith protetht a few monthth back, and b) he and hith family are currently thtarring in 'The Eubankth', which could do with a ratingth bootht. Oh yeah, and thee) he'th made hith point by driving hith truck into a thmall van. Blair'th Government rockth on itth ackthith...
Tho, um, yeah, mickthed feelingth. I don't think I'd go out of my way to throw eggth at him, but he'th pretty tempting ath a target. The pith mutht be taken. Royally. |