There was in the temple a Student who was greatly troubled; for there was nothing that this Student desired more than to grasp Absolute Truth, yet it seemed that the nature of Truth was unattainable.
Now there came to the temple one who presented himself as an Illuminated Master. The Student came to him and said, "O Master, I am greatly troubled, for the more I seek to understand the nature of Truth, the more frustrated I become in my purpose."
And the Master said, "You are frustrated in your quest because your carbohydrate-rich diet has created a hormonal imbalance that renders you suceptible to manipulation by the secret rulers of this world, the Satanic extradimensional lizards who feast on souls of slaughtered children, and whose existence is concealed by the medico-phramaceutical establishment, the British Royal Family, the Vatican, and the US military; that is to say: the Jews."
The Student listened carefully, thought for a moment, and then said, "Is it not more likely that I am frustrated in my search for Absolute Truth because I am continually viewing the world through the filter of my own attachments and obsessions?"
The Master said, "That kind of talk marks you as an agent of ZOG, and most likely a pedophile as well."
And with that the Student was enlightened, although not as the Master had intended. |