Now, when it comes to soap villains, they don't come any better than Brian Aldridge, cunning devious hyper-capitalist country gentleman farmer and lechmonster of Ambridge. Granted, whiny Nanette Newman-like Jennifer Aldridge would drive any red blooded man to shag Betty Tucker or the heinous Siobhan. Anything to avoid another night listening to Jennifer's account of how she catalogued every songbird in Ambridge on the website that day. But he has recently had his comeuppance. Evil Siobhan caused him to crash the car. Saintly David and even saintlier (pass the sick bag) Ruth have to compromise their principles to sneak the Irish temptress into his hospital room. An everyday story of country rumpy pumpy and just desserts perhaps, as Brian breaks down and sobs, after all these years of manipulating every blade of grass in his vicinity to his advantage.
But, you know, I have always been rather fond of the odd booty buzzard. I feel for him. I spit on your Clive Horrobin. Forget Dirty Den and the Mitchell Bruvvas. Not since Simon the Christian cult leader killed that nice nurse on Brookside Close in the 80's has there been a soap villain of Brian's calibre.
That is all. |