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The Magical Thread of Randomness!

Spyder Todd 2008
21:24 / 13.10.03
I enjoy random things. So, who else enjoys random things? What random things do you enjoy? For example, I state the fact that I like cheese fairly often. For no reason. Get the idea?
Frosting tastes good, and I read comic books!
21:31 / 13.10.03
Talking about liking cheese is not random. But starting a thread about it is.

I applaud your random thread-startingness.
04:23 / 14.10.03
I do not especially like random things. Often, in my car, when I do not remember which way I should go, I randomly choose amongst my options. This tends to produce bad results, because I have three options (left, right or straight), and even if I happily choose correctly that time, I still may not know the true path, so I wind up having to make another decision. The odds are against me, so it is better to get myself ordered by pulling into the parking lot and examining written directions or calling someone on the phone.

I could say that I like random number generators, because I am sure they do something very good for science and technology, but the truth is, I'm not well acquainted with what it is they do, so it's a bit like saying you really like quantum mechanics because it keeps matter from collapsing in on itself. Oh, there's something else that contains randomness. And I am pleased that matter doesn't collapse in on itself.

I do like spontaneous things, though. These can be quite fun, and, unlike comments about cheese, they cannot be planned so they tend to contain all their pleasure in the moment. Spontaneous acts starting a snowball fight are great for their social value, but also ideas emerging spontaneously in the mind are great fun, especially if they tie a bunch of other stuff in the mind together. It's like there are little gnomes working back there, getting ready for the best time to surprise you. Your in the shower, and you have to write the idea quickly, so you get the paper wet and the ink smears, but it doesn't matter, because you aren't gonna forget this.

And vacations... spontaneous vacations.
the Fool
04:29 / 14.10.03
I enjoy talking nonsense. There's a real skill to irrelevance y'know. I appreciate company where completely nonsensical crap can be discussed in great depth for hours and hours.

Now what were we saying about those artichokes from botswana? Ah yes, renumeration...
04:29 / 14.10.03
Frosting tastes good, and I read comic books!

My math teachers a big Red Sox fan. He said he'd lower our grade if we were Yankees fans.
04:31 / 14.10.03
This reminds me of a joke my dad always used to tell me.

Q: When your out in the middle of a lake in a rowboat, and the wheels fall off, why is a duck?

A: Because ice cream doesn't have any bones, either.
the Fool
04:40 / 14.10.03
Your dad has style

04:45 / 14.10.03
I like random things, because they tend to throw me a little bit, force me into paying more attention to my surroundings. Like this one time at work, I found a really nice, really large man's dress show in the calendar display. Just the one. No laces. All by its lonesome. So I put it in the safe. You know. So it wouldn't get lost twice.
Bastard Tweed
11:44 / 14.10.03
My favourite randomness? Alliteration unintentionally popping in to my thoughts and speech patterns."a preponderous plenitude of potentialities" That actually happened on accident in a conversation once. I stop, notice, and giggle like Georgie Porgie.
11:53 / 14.10.03
Q - What's the difference between a dog?

A - One of its legs is both the same.
11:55 / 14.10.03
Colourless green ideas sleep furiously.
12:09 / 14.10.03
I don't know if I believe in randomness. Or I'm not sure if I understand what it means. Does it just mean unexpected?
How do random number generators generate numbers randomly? Does anyone know?
12:20 / 14.10.03
How do random number generators generate numbers randomly?

The short but very dull answer is that they don't. They use a mathematical process which produces a sequence of numbers that appear to be random, derived from a seed number (often from a computer's clock).
12:29 / 14.10.03
Cheers Unencumbered. I thought it must be something like that. Although actually I guessed it might take a section of the Pi sequence (chosen at random - ie. based on part of the Pi sequence....etc) and that's where I got into trouble.

And when you say that that this means that it's not actually random, what do you mean? Can nothing happen randomly? Is randomness non-existant?
12:52 / 14.10.03
And when you say that that this means that it's not actually random, what do you mean? Can nothing happen randomly? Is randomness non-existant?

From my rather limited understanding of such matters, true randomness only occurs at the subatomic level. At larger scales, the random events tend to even out.

Someone who knows a helluva lot more than me about quantum mechanics could, undoubtedly, provide a far more detailed and meaningful answer.
Spyder Todd 2008
14:51 / 14.10.03
Of course, at the subatomic level, the arrangement of subatomic particles nly appears random and is, in fact, all part of a higher order of understanding that leads to salsa and enlightenment.
unheimlich manoeuvre
15:43 / 14.10.03
The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
'O lovely Pussy! O Pussy my love,
What a beautiful Pussy you are,
You are,
You are!
What a beautiful Pussy you are!'

Pussy said to the Owl, 'You elegant fowl!
How charmingly sweet you sing!
O let us be married! too long we have tarried:
But what shall we do for a ring?'
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
To the land where the Bong-tree grows
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
With a ring at the end of his nose,
His nose,
His nose,
With a ring at the end of his nose.
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