Although I've read and enjoyed the first 4 paperbacks' worth of this book, and the art is always stellar, I find the constant 'hard nosed, tough talking' characters and noir style/tone a little one-note, ditto all the conspiracy stuff about The Trust and such. Which surprises me, since I love crime noir stuff and I love conspiracy stuff. (I love SIN CITY, that doesn't bore me and it's totally similar in style and tone. I love Raymond Chandler and fellow crime noir authors, also.) I honestly can't figure out why this story doesn't click with me. It's rare for me to not like something that everyone else totally loves...but even after I read the trades, I find the thing that stays with me is the art as opposed to the writing. Sure, Azz can write tough street dialogue that's all slick and such, but I often find it to be a lot of flash and style and not much substance beyond "We talk tough and we double cross each other and we're all bad ass, trying to figure out this whole conspiracy thing that gets dragged out slowly for 3 years". But I know I'm in the minority on this one. 
A friend of mine has a theory that Azzarello is being 'carried' by artist Eduardo Risso; that the same stories without Risso wouldn't have caught fire like this. It'll be interesting to see how Azz. writes SUPERMAN; he can't do it as a hardcore street crime book.
I also love Dave Johnson's covers and think he's a genius, for the record. |