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The Fool presents 'Strange Organics' (PICS)


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the Fool
07:49 / 13.10.03
These began as notes at work. Add a broken heart and high levels of depression, mix with pen and paper. Then strange organics flow from and through the words until there are no words, no notes, no lists of work to be done. Add a little magic. Stir. and volia.


(edit: click thumbnail for full size image)

13:50 / 13.10.03
Wow, Fool. Did you do that with a ball-point pen?
18:38 / 13.10.03
Dude, you are fantastic!
the Fool
21:49 / 13.10.03
Persephone: Yup, all done with a single ball point pen...
Saint Keggers
22:18 / 13.10.03
You know if I ever go insane and THEN decide to get a tattoo... wow! One on each testicle!
the Fool
23:28 / 13.10.03
You must have unfeasibly large testicles Keggers! I think you should rename yourself Buster Gonnad!!!
Saint Keggers
23:54 / 13.10.03
No, I just have an extreeeeemly talented tattooist friend. Unless he has one of his epileptic fits. But they say pain builds character.
the Fool
00:40 / 14.10.03
But they say pain builds character.

Don't I know it. *sigh* But back to the testicles, wouldn't you need a magnifying glass to see the detail? They'll just look blue to the naked eye, won't they???
Saint Keggers
00:50 / 14.10.03
Oh no, Ill just get it tattooed in green..that way if anyone says anything I can say, in my best Incredible Hulk voice, "You're making them wouldn't like me when my balls are angry!!!"
the Fool
02:28 / 14.10.03
12:14 / 14.10.03
Lovely. Is that you on the bottom right of the top picture? Down from the ladybird?
And good luck with the broken heart, focus on the unbreakable Hulk Balls!
Nelson Evergreen
12:50 / 14.10.03
mmmm we're in Potential Screensaver territory here.

Fool, I think you've just invented the hyperdoodle.
15:22 / 14.10.03
Holy. Shit.

I second Nelson's comments - these would be amazing screensavers, and I think the term 'hyperdoodle' is fitting indeed!

Keggers comment made me truly laugh out loud (the first "if I ever go insane..." one).

These are amazing, Fool. Your sigils and flyer designs have always been incredible, but this....words cannot suffice. Are there sigils hidden in there that we've all just charged?

Be good to yourself as the broken heart heals.
the Fool
05:23 / 15.10.03
Quantum: Its sort of me. That image actually has a couple of faces in it, most lost into the pattern as it grew across the page. There is even a characture of the boy who broke me heart... *sigh*

Hunterwolf: Yes, there are sigils embedded in each image. The first one was sort of an accident. It was meant to go on a t-shirt and I was just working it out on the page. It became embedded like everything else. The one on the second page was more deliberate. All the workings are in there too, including the intention.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone. Its nice to feel something good has come out the last couple of weeks and I'm glad you all like the images. Yes, me heart is on the mend and I'm feeling a lot better about things this week.
13:11 / 15.10.03

These are absolutely beautiful.
Goodness Gracious Meme
15:08 / 15.10.03


(no.2 is reminiscent of relief maps/elevations/journeys....)

the Fool
03:39 / 04.12.03
...and a new one I just finished today...

12:26 / 04.12.03
I envy your doodling. I love the quality of your lines, nice an solid.
eddie thirteen
04:23 / 27.12.03
Wow. The other night I saved your Moon card so I could dwell on it while contemplating a Tarot-themed writing project that had gone a bit...uh...awry (probably not the best idea to select The Moon as a theme when intending to write something you *don't* wanna have spiral out of control, but I'm digressing); the vivid, modern look and simplicity of it kinda took the edge off the more ponderous aspects of where my thoughts on the project were taking me (so thank you!). So imagine my surprise when I found work like this, so byzantine and intricate and elaborate and other words that mean there's a whole lot of crazy stuff happening on the page, but no less pretty for all that. This is really neat.
14:26 / 27.12.03

15:59 / 24.01.04
A perfect cover for the next Robin Hobb book.
22:17 / 24.01.04
Another great one. Thanks for posting this. Like the graduation dude nestled in there.

Who's Robin Hobb, by the way?
22:06 / 25.01.04
I would like to see these designs painted onto some fine China. It just looks like it would fit. Throw a coupla dragons into the mix to appease the culturally relevant peoples.

the Fool
03:05 / 12.02.04
Dedicated to the unknown stomach virus I've been living with since new year, slowly passing...

click on thumbnail for full size

the Fool
04:39 / 27.02.04

12:53 / 27.02.04
Absolutely beautiful mate. Some of the shapes remind me of graffiti letters - not a graf influence going on, is there?
13:57 / 27.02.04
Lovely, I particularly like the fading out effect you've got on that last drawing. Almost like weathering to pick a random word out of a hat.
19:22 / 27.02.04
amazing. add patience and beauty to the abstract.
the Fool
06:40 / 22.03.04
Two more. enjoy.

08:22 / 24.03.04
I just tried it on the mac OSX screen saver which fades between a set of pictures and zooms slowly in or out rather than just display the pic. It looks pretty cool. I'll mention if I get any interesting comments about it.

The pictures seem to be getting neater and have less images under them, as if they're moving from a therapy into a style. Which seems a very natural thing to happen.
the Fool
20:11 / 24.03.04
That's very true, they are getting neater and simpler. The last one is the first one that didn't begin as a page of notes. I wanted to do one that was pure organics, not an exercise in obscurement.

Perhaps the therapy is over. I'm doing one more and then the series is finished methinks.
02:06 / 25.03.04
Man, these are just beautiful… I’m instantly transported to the future. I feel like I’m looking at a culture of living nanites.
the Fool
03:06 / 25.03.04
Its interesting that you mention 'culture' in regard to these 'things'. There is a logic to how they work and interact with each other, how emanations interlock and spawn lower level organics. They breathe and feel each other. A high level organics 'breath' can become a new organic individual which can in turn spawn via breath or emanations. I've been drawing these things for a while now and sometimes I feel I'm peering into a separate universe and just channeling the image...
the Fool
05:01 / 01.04.04
One more, and that marks the end of organics series 1. I'll probably do more but for now its complete.

I've collected them all on my website ( on the organics page if you want to see it all in one hit. Thanks everyone.
the Fool
05:20 / 13.04.04
Someone has been remixing me, and its rather good. They are called cupofcoffee, and me like this remix. From Australian Infront.

It looks like it should be magical!!!

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