I've done this a couple of times, actually. The first was in getting over a fucked up relationship where I was lied to for about 2 years, where I decided to trust the person I was currently with unconditionally to get over massive irrational jealosy issues. Fortunately, that worked out well, and I ended up marrying her Technique: LSD and some focused internal will while sitting on the bathroom floor tranced out.
In another later I decided I wanted to be bi-sexual, but had major hangups from youth against homosexual contact. So, I purged them, removing my fear, and opening the way to more fun in my life. Technique: LSD + MDMA, and a lot of rationalization where I reconfigured how I operate from a more hedonistic perspective. That one was actually a part of a much larger working that resulted in some major changes in my personal spirituality over the course of a couple of years, but is notable as a specific change I willed and enacted in myself as a part of it that I am proud of.
One of the hardest I did was in deciding to live truthfully, and fessed up to all the shit I had been deceptful about to the people involved. That was a real problem with me for awhile (see traumatic past relationship mentioned above). Again, MDMA was key to this one, though I suspect largely in buffering the reactions of others when I gave my confessions so I could survive But otherwise, I found the feeling of being actually clean and clear so good I've continued to work hard to keeping it, changing radically how I deal with people.
The last was fear. I was deathly afraid of spirits, and possession in particular, due a lifelong sensitivity and some not too nice encounters as a child. So I started working with voodoo, to face that which I was most aversive of. Work with Ogun over a year or so and a powerful ceremony I attended had the unexpected result of disabling fear entirely in me. I don't really have that response anymore. The fight/flight switch is welded to "fight". I can still be sensibly cautious, and can still let myself be creeped out by movies and such, but for the important things, I don't respond the same way anymore. I can just turn it off like a switch now. I'm still processing that one.
Naturally, there were othes, but these were the most specific re-programming workings I accomplished. By and large, the technique was to enter a suggestable state (which LSD + MDMA will give you in spades), and making the decision. Rationalization and stubburnness help a lot, too. Each was also a bit like hitting the problem with the biggest hammer I could muster, causing more change than I had originally planned, but its worked out well for me regardless. |