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Burning with Neo Conservative Rage

11:42 / 09.10.03
Did anyone read Suzanne Goldenberg's article on Iraq in The Guardian today?

The Americans want to eradicate every memory of the old regime. This includes the food distribution system which gave free staple food to every Iragi.

The UN called this system the most efficient food network in the world. Abolishing it may lead to starvation.

Paul Bremner feels the system is a dangerous socialist anachronism.

I wonder if he feels that distributing free food in Ethiopia is equally 'dangerous'.

Gee, Paul, thank god you guys took over this Land of Evil Doers- you've made it such a better place. Long live democracy!
We're The Great Old Ones Now
12:12 / 09.10.03
Did he actually say that? 'Dangerous socialist anachronism'?
13:21 / 09.10.03
Can't find the article n!(£/sauron, care to post the url?

cheers b
13:25 / 09.10.03
I don't know if it's an exact quote- they are the exact words in the article, but not in quotation marks.
c.f. The Guardian 09.10.03 pp19
13:28 / 09.10.03
Article was in the actual paper- I can't find it online, sorry.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
13:51 / 09.10.03

Don't say I never bring you nothing.

A more substantial assault on Saddam's legacy is under way in the Republican Palace, where the occupation authority is making preparations to dismantle the food distribution system which gave free rations of flour, rice, cooking oil and other staples to every Iraqi.

Described by the UN as the world's most efficient food network, the system still keeps Iraqis from going hungry. But the US civilian administrator of Iraq, Paul Bremer, views it as a dangerous socialist anachronism. The coalition provisional authority (CPA) is planning to abolish it in January, despite warnings from its own technical experts that this could lead to hunger and riots.
pachinko droog
17:06 / 09.10.03
It figures. There's also been word that recent tactics have become all too reminiscent of failed strategies used in (ahem) Vietnam. Using armored personnel carriers (APC's) to bulldoze shops and homes of accused terrorist/insurgent sympathizers. US soldiers standing around laughing at the destruction and taking souvenier photos while Iraqi civilians stand around helplessly, including children. Kicking in doors in the middle of the night looking for arms caches that aren't there. That kind of thing.

I think by doing this, the US creates a self-perpetuating problem. I.e.: US military actions only succeed in turning the populace more hostile and likley to support those who they were initially accused of supporting in the first place. Like in Vietnam. And Algeria. And Palestine. Counterinsurgency as the face of colonialism.
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