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Grope me, I'm Californian

04:35 / 08.10.03
We're fucked. Arnie's basically in. In can't believe this fucking state and this fucking country. He's a GOP puppet presiding over the most liberal state in the union and the 5th largest economic power in the world. This will be the segueway to Bush taking Cali in 2004. Through him the Bush cabinet now wields a mighty power. Just like Conan the BArbarian wielding that awesome scimitar. That was like totally cool. I would like totally vote for that dude if he ran for office. He was like the Terminator...He could like go back in time and erase the budget crisis. Dude, totally.

Fuck me.
04:36 / 08.10.03
And where the fuck is Jello through all of this? California Uber Alles is ready for another update.
05:09 / 08.10.03
can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it, can't fucking believe it and yes you guessed it "I can't fucking believe it"

we've fucking elected a killer robot from the future, fuck, hey next term do you think we elect one of those muppets from sesame street? they're way cooler and aren't at all into hitler like this one is. I'm all for big bird, yeah, big bird is like so cool, like if anyone starts giving him shit, he could just smack them down and stomp them bare foot naturally.
well, hopefully the press will tear into him like they did with clinton but worse. what a cunt. and to those of you that aren't from california, don't feel sorry for us, because most californians are already dead. dead, in head that is.


I mean, it was funny in the beginning right? this austrian cunt going on about how he wanted to be governor and he had this retard accent, but I never thought the fucking primate would win?!?!!!

I'm so fucking moving out of here, I'm fucking gone, fuck the masses, I've lost all faith in the public.

screwed in-fucking-dead
05:27 / 08.10.03
But seriously, how you really feel about the California recall?
08:37 / 08.10.03
do we really need three thrweads on this?
08:37 / 08.10.03
I'd be taking the chronic piss out of you Californians right now if this weren't so plain horrendous.
Boy in a Suitcase
09:54 / 08.10.03
"I am governor [Arnie Gropenator]
My aura smiles and never frowns
Soon I will be president
I will be fuhrer one day..."
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:59 / 08.10.03
This is actually the fourth thread on this subject, so I'm going to move for it to be locked.
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